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Search results for "Instrumental"


Including a recent instrumental track written for Gibson.

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Written for their Satyricon & Munch exhibition.

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ProgPower USA XXI Day Four Recap: Roaring to a glorious conclusion, the allied forces of rock and metal reclaim the realm of live music....

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ProgPower USA XXI Day Two Recap: Following a riveting opening evening, the musical eclecticism and excellence factor is pushed into overdrive. Absence has a...

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"You're not gonna be waiting very, very f*cking long."

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ProgPower USA XXI Day One Recap: Reunifying after a two-year hiatus, the festival first day serves up prog, thrash and death metal in explosives...


Love or loathe ‘em, Kiss have achieved the career longevity that almost every other musical act in existence would kill for. There would be...

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"Memoriae Sacrum" can sound serene but holds plenty of parts where it feels like it is hunting the listener from the underbrush.


Getting a little meta with it.

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Faced with a brutal war of attrition with the forces of nature, the Florida-based hard rock faithful pressed on for a moral victory.

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The trio of top-notch progressive metal acts commanded the stage at the Keswick Theatre.


"On the astonishing Phototroph, Moon Tooth has finally fully realized the incredible potential that has been obvious to anyone closely following their already impressive...