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It's great, which should surprise nobody.

Latest News

Anyone into Cavernlight, , Godflesh, Gorguts, Ulcerate, or Esoteric will find find something to love on this album.

Live Footage

A live album and DVD will be released through Ripple Music on July 1


"I mean, they just basically erased us from the map and they're trying to change their story now."


Including a recent instrumental track written for Gibson.


Get into bands like Propagandhi, Belvedere, Pears, A Wilhelm Scream, and more!

Full Album Stream

"Jord forcefully crushes your brain to bits from start to finish."

Upcoming Releases

Called "Face It Alone," the track will be available in September.

Show Recap

Backed by French heavy prog rockers Klone, Pain of Salvation performed a downright iconic show.

Music Videos

Decapitated just released their new record Cancer Culture, and is now streaming "Iconoclast" featuring Machine Head frontman Robb Flynn. Which isn't really too surprising,...