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Breakups & Shakeups

Robse was their vocalist between 2010 and present day.

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Who Jason Aalon Butler recruits remains to be seen.


"Ten slammin' songs that will get you amped up and ready to go. This is music to really enjoy and share. It's blues that...

Live Footage

This early gem is a scorcher, finding the original line-up on all cylinders.

Upcoming Releases

It's recorded and mixed. Now on to mastering!

New Music

Jennie-Ann Smith has an incredible voice.


We look back on the incredible grunge classic.

Metal Merch

Including a previously unreleased live album recorded at Ozzfest 1996 and more.

Tech-Death Tuesday

If you're looking to have your face melted clean off, be sure to check out Bleak Flesh's "Caput Primum."

Show Recap

For the first time in over a decade, Porcupine Tree returned to the stage, bringing with them equal amounts of great music and great...


We now present our carefully chosen list of books that will help you become the most morbid metalhead you can be!

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Also, he says the market is saturated right now with too many bands on tour, and bands are hurting.

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Gimme Metal Program Director Brian Turner delivers the week's top 5 office buzz-worthy tracks.


"Gather & Mourn is harsh, incendiary and savage-sounding."