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Tour Dates

What an eventful week for Slipknot and their maggot fans. First, Joey Jordison gave an interview where he said the band has begun work...

Upcoming Releases

It's no secret that we love Between The Buried And Me around these here parts. We've had many many awesome moments with the band...


by: Robert Pasbani Late last week, Magrudergrind announced they are releasing a new EP, Grind Crusher for absolutely nothing, ZERO! They were able to...

Upcoming Releases

Well, 2011 is definitely shaping up to be a very epic year for metal releases. Origin have just announced signing a worldwide deal with...

Upcoming Releases

by: Frank Godla We just received some important news concerning one of Metal Injection's tech-death favorites, Gorod. It would appear there has been some...

Upcoming Releases

It looks like 2011 is going to be an amazing year for metal. Relapse recently sent out a press release announcing Obscura have completed...

Back in the Day

by: Frank Godla Oh man, this track takes me back to my youngest of cognitive metal years. It was a time where high-top white...

Upcoming Releases

This is exciting news. Way back in April, Gojira fontman Joe Duplantier spoke out during a French news report (viewable above) that the band...

Breakups & Shakeups

In an announcement today, Unearth have announced they have parted ways with drummer Derek Kerswill. The band stated creative differences as the reasoning behind...


Oh yea! Last week, we brought you five live clips, and now we are releasing the entire soundboard audio from the show. This was...

Latest News

A few weeks ago Freddy Madball released a statement saying 20 year old drummer Jay Weinberg had been dismissed from Madball, calling into question...


by: Frank Godla You read that right! In an effort to raise money for the Andre Agassi Foundation for Education, a not for profit...

Latest News

As if you needed another reason to check outthe upcoming Decibel Defiance tour, the Faceless have just announced they will be playing a new...


If you have yet to check out Brooklyn blackened-prog outfit Krallice, you are doing a disservice to your ears. The band employs some of...

Upcoming Releases

Trivium is hard at work at a new release as we speak. The band had been demoing songs on their own for the last...

Juggalo Times

In what shouldn't be a shocker to anybody who has seen the awfully hilarious "Miracles" video, Insane Clown Posse have outed themselves recently as...


Aw yeah. You can now stream "Sudden Death", the track that Megadeth recorded specifically for the new Guitar Hero game (details here). Listen above...

Latest News

The last time we spoke about Blotted Science the band was rehearsing for a possible tour. That was two years ago and clearly that...


Welcome to the inaugural post of the weekly column that introduces you to viciously delicious bands that may have slipped under your vast metal...


I don't know how my buddies at MetalSucks found this but I am completely on board. A company called "And Vinyly" seeks to serve...

Upcoming Releases

By Nina Saeidi Children of Bodom have announced they are entering the Finnish depths of Petrax Studio's to begin recording their seventh studio album....

Upcoming Releases

This is certainly interesting. Two of the founding members of Killswitch Engage, guitarist/drummer/producer Adam Dutkiewicz and Jesse Leach have formed a new project called...

Latest News

Every now and then I come across a truly unique atmospheric and eloquently moody metal band that stands above the rest. Finnland's own Insomnium...