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Latest News

Move over, Nile; there's a new bunch of Egypt-lovin' death metal musicians in town. New York City-based, Egyptian-born artist Nader Sadek will be presenting...

Fuck Yes!

Soundscan numbers are usually such a waste of time that we don't even bother to report them, but a glance at this week's Billboard...


We have just posted a brand new interview we shot with Paul Masvidal of the legendary prog-death band CYNIC. This was seriously one of...

Go See This Fucking Band

In what will stand as one of the year's best tour packages, SOILWORK, DARKANE, WARBRINGER and SWALLOW THE SUN invaded the Highline Ballroom for...

RIP a Livecast

RIP a Livecast returns with a very special 10th edition of the show. The night begins with a very important news conference regarding Rob's...


Above you will see the new WINDS OF PLAGUE video, Anthems of Apocalypse. Who needs narrative in a video when you can just use...

Latest News

I'm not sure how I missed this a few weeks ago, but A Life Once Lost are writing a new album. They issued the...


Having Presidents Day off makes Tuesday feel like Monday. On the plus side, only a four day work week and I get to see...

Latest News

On the official PSYOPUS message board, during a thread about the band's new album, Odd Senses leaking, Chris Arp chimed in with some very...

Latest News

Appropriately enough for a band that’s been known to defy conventions, THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN’s new DVD sounds like it goes beyond the average...

tr00 and False

If one thing can be said about the writers of Metal Inquisition (besides the fact that they are assholes) is they are heavily opinionated....


Guitar World Magazine was invited into the studio and taped the above video clip of Mastodon in the studio recording their new CD, Crack...

Tour Dates

Suffocation have just entered the studio to being recording their Nuclear Blast debut. From hearing some smaples a few months back when they opened...

Upcoming Releases

I got an awesome press release in my mail box this morning. No sense in rewording it: ISIS, the Los Angeles by way of...

Revelations of Doom

After a long hiatus of sorts (also known as trying not to fail out of college and gallivanting across the country in search of...

Latest News

Looks like SLIPKNOT frontman Corey Taylor is not content being in two bands (STONE SOUR being the other of course). Taylor said in a...


2008 was a great year for ridiculously silly metal viral clips to be passed around to distract you from doing your work. We thought...


California's reigning avant-metal kings ISIS have been performing a new song, entitled "20 Minutes/40 Years" on some European dates. The song, which revels in...

Latest News

One-upping Rockstar Energy Drink with their Mayhem tour, Red Bull is throwing a snowboarding event on February 5 in New York City, set to...


Daath have been holed up in an Atlanta studio recording the super-anticipated The Concealers record. When you have that many free hours, you're naturually...

Weekly Video Recap

First off there were a slew of new music videos that we posted this week: – MUDVAYNE – Do What You Do – DOWN...

Upcoming Releases

We just got a press release from the fine people at Roadrunner Records announcing that Killswitch Engage will begin recording their not-yet-titled fourth studio...

Latest News

After having spent the past 10 years making us all wait 3 or 4 years between studio albums, The Dillinger Escape Plan have announced...