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Search results for "recording"

Upcoming Releases

Click Here To Watch The Video Back in January, we got very excited when we uncovered video footage of The Mars Volta saxaphonist Adrian...

Sick Art

When we last caught up with Arch Enemy, they were in the final weeks of pre-production, but it looks like the band is shifted...


I was away from the computer for a few days and all this awesome new music pops up! So, if ever there was a...

Upcoming Releases

Click Here To Watch The Video When we interviewed members of Candira last year, they seemed to leave the door open to the possibility...

Fuck Yes!

Stop what you are doing. Turn off any sounds your computer may be making. Press Play below. Is your mind blown yet? If so,...

Black Metal History

By Graham "Gruhamed" Hartmann In the spirit of Black Metal History Month, in this year of our Lord 2011, it's only right that we...

Black Metal History

by Jeremy Ülrey 1992 was good to Varg Vikernes, at least from a creative standpoint.  In a nine month period running through September, the...

Latest News

Now that we know the Big 4 will not be doing a tour, but instead just one big festival show. Yawn. That means Metallica...


The weekend is upon us, and here are some new tunes to get us through until the clock strikes 6! Children of Bodom really...

Upcoming Releases

by: Noa Avior This year will be a busy one for my homeboys from Germany, SuidAkrA. They recently completed their forthcoming album, The Book...

Marketing Genius

While we were away on our little metal booze cruise, one ridiculous news story almost slipped through the cracks: Zakk Wylde is recording guitars...

Latest News

Velvet Revolver, the once-supergroup featuring Slash and Duff McKagan have been looking for a singer ever since kicking out Scott Weiland. They have hinted...

Upcoming Releases

We know how much you junkies love Suicide Silence. The band has consistently been one of the top 5 most searched for bands on...

Upcoming Releases

Meshuggah frontman Jens Kidman and drummer Tomas Haake were the guests during a live chat in the Nuclear Blast Screening Room yesterday and they...

Breakups & Shakeups

The first thing I think of when the band Atreyu comes up, is a few years ago, how whenever MTV2 went to commercial, it...


New Wormrot arrived in my email this morning, meaning today is a good day! You can stream "Manipulation" right up there. It comes from...


Two audio roundups in just as many days? Must be a good week. Today, we go a bit more underground with new tunes from...

Upcoming Releases

It's true, drummer Mike Portnoy has announced a new project and they are currently jamming and recording. Coincidentally, so is his former band Dream...

Best of 2010

As the year is comes to a close, we will be taking you through the Best of 2010. Over the next couple of days,...

Breakups & Shakeups

Cynic just released a statement saying they are parting ways with the two newer members of the band, bassist Robin Zielhorst and guitarist Tymon...


I am a far bigger fan of Yngwie Malmsteen, the character, than I am Yngwie the musician. The guy is hilarious. He is fully...

Upcoming Releases

Ronnie James Dio may be gone, but he will never be forgotten. The man was a legend, and now fans can get excited about...

Tour Dates

Many bands are using the month of December to announce they are either recording a new recording or touring in 2011. Sepultura are doing...