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THE FACELESS To Play New Track on Upcoming Tour

THE FACELESS To Play New Track on Upcoming Tour

As if you needed another reason to check outthe upcoming Decibel Defiance tour, the Faceless have just announced they will be playing a new track on the road to give fans a taste of new material. The band is set to commit fully to writing and recording after the tour. Michael Keene checked in with the following update:

“After the 'Summer Slaughter' tour wrapped up, we were left with a very refreshing sense of energy and change. It was great to get out and play such killer shows with all of those talented bands and the experience has super charged the excitement of writing new material and pushing ourselves to new musical boundaries as a group and individual musicians/performers.

The writing process for our upcoming third record is in full swing and it's a very exciting, fulfilling musical journey so far. We'll be debuting a new song on our upcoming tour with Suffocation, which I feel is a great example of the direction in which the new material is headed. Expect a very progressive and vibey record, that maintains the high-energy that you would expect of THE FACELESS and even more thought provoking lyrical content than ever before.

We'll be hitting the road in just a few days to wrap-up the touring cycle for Planetary Duality. We'll be locked up in my recording studio in Los Angeles once we get home. You can expect lots of studio updates and blogs along the way. This will be the last tour we'll be doing until we complete the recording of our new record. With that said, we want to make this a special tour for fans who may have seen us on the 'Summer Slaughter' tour. Therefore, we'll be playing more old songs than usual and debuting a brand new song for you! Come and meet us at a merch table and we hope to see you all soon.”

The Decibel Defiance tour starts tomorrow night in Worcester, MA also features the mighty Suffocation, Through the Eyes of the Dead, Decrepit Birth and Fleshgod Apocalypse. Click here for dates.

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