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Latest News

Today's tweet comes from DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN frontman Greg Puciato who wrote: They should've chopped off Hetfield's right hand around 1989 and frozen it...

Latest News

We received a very exciting press release from CYNIC's management the other day. Here is a direct quote that gave me a bit of...

RIP a Livecast

On this edition of the RIP a Livecast, we had two awesome guests! At the beginning of the show, we were joined by Ian...

Weekly Video Recap

We haven't done one of these in a while, but this week there were so many videos posted that we felt this would be...

Latest News

James Malone (seen looking incredibly skinny in the center of the above photo) recently issued an update confiming the band is in the studio...

Tour Diary

Coalesce recently embarked on their first European trek ever, so we asked them to document the journey in the form of a few tour...

Quick Bits

Yes! Yes! Yes! DOOMRIDERS appeared on a college radio show called Pipeline and those wonderful students did a fine job recording and uploading a...


Two upcoming releases that I am very excited about are DOOMRIDERS Darkness Comes Alive and BURNT BY THE SUN's upcoming final release Heart of...

Latest News

THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN are not only one of my favorite bands musically but they are also some funny mother fuckers, as evidenced by...


I'm just going to preface this post by saying that catching pneumonia in the summer fucking sucks – especially when you come down with...

Back in the Day

DEATH – Lack of Comprehension Today we know the name "Death" as the legendary death metal band that debatably started it all, but in...

Revelations of Doom

Crossing an ocean and more than a few international borders in pursuit of the almighty riff has taken up a bit more time than...

Upcoming Releases

A few weeks ago, we prematurely reported that SLAYER's upcoming CD would come out early this month. While the band is still on track...

Ask Me...I'm Right

When Greg Weeks isn't blowing people's minds with his band, The Red Chord, the dude takes some time to answer some of life's important...

Upcoming Releases

When we interviewed Tom Araya at the Revolver Golden Gods Awards, he said the band was writing and recording the CD but they were...


We love Gunface, and clearly THE RED CHORD guitarist loves us back! Without provocation, he has decided to tape diaries while the band is...


And so it has begun. A few weeks ago, the Metal Injection crew went up to Worcester to cover the New England Metal and...

Latest News

THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN's Greg Picuato is never shy about speaking his mind. And his latest blog post is no different. To begin, Greg...

Upcoming Releases

In about 6 months Dreaming Saturn, The Crinn's first full length (that's right: not a split and not another ep) will be released. Vocalist...

Metal Up Your Ass

Get me the tweet out of here! Everyone is tweeting all the damned time. I can't keep up. So here's a bunch of links...

Metal Up Your Ass

Today metal got some exciting updates: like Gorguts' Luc Lemay confirming the new lineup! There is also some really cool Scion footage floating around...


Holy crap! When we posted the teaser to the new MASTODON video for the track "Divinations" we were excited. Today the video premiered on...