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Search results for "Thought"

Celebrity Metalheads

James Hetfield is hilarious when discussing one of the Olsen twins, Ryan Gosling,

Upcoming Releases

"Ten Thousand Ways To Die" will be on the album.

Upcoming Releases

If you're saying to yourself that album title sounds like something a child would come up with, turns out Manson came up with it...


There are seven songs that haven't been released.

The Obituarist

Howdy Halloweeners, Trevor Strnad AKA The Obituarist here with another round of sick ghoulish extreme metal to keep you screaming this holiday.

Latest News

"I felt like… Colonel Hannibal in ‘A-Team‘ when he goes: ‘I love it when a plan comes together,’ and he chomps on his cigar."

Music Videos

We've been a fan of Indian musician Rishabh Seen for years now, since his great Animals As Leaders covers. Rishabh has been hard at...

Weekly Injection

This edition goes out to everyone that complains I don't talk about heavy bands. Our final Weekly Injection of October includes some sludge, blackened...

Dank Slams

Is there a rule book when it comes to slammin brutality? Does there exist one modus operandi that dictates the why and how of...


The descration was allegedly because some bands were not able to get paid.

Song Premiere

The mighty Zao is back and sounding better than ever.


Whether you think positively or negatively about Hammerfall, the Swedes have to be respected for being one of the initial bands to break heavy...


A fan who attended one of the VIP meet and greets filed a report.


Heavy metal is, to quote Mr. Ian Christie, the sound of the beast. Heavy metal is music made for evil; it's supposed to be...


From the woods of the North Carolina mountains comes pained and anxious black metal.

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Peter Iwers and Jesper Strömblad, together again!