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Search results for "Thought"

Best of 2016

I swear this is the hardest thing I have to do all year… Trying to narrow down the best releases within a year can...

Celebrity Metalheads

"Inconceivable that any of these pop-culture vultures know who the heck any of the bands are. My guess is he thinks it's a religious...

Best of 2016

Not only is Trevor Strnad the frontman of the excellent melodic death metal band The Black Dahlia Murder, he also pens a monthly column...

Latest News

It works, and he's in the ICU post-surgery right now.

br00tal Comedy

Michael Fassbender is a renowned metalhead, this we already know. In the past, he has expressed love for Iron Maiden, Metallica, and Slayer among others....

Best of 2016

If there’s anything you can say about “metal in 2016,” it’s that there’s no one definitive thing to say about metal in 2016. But...

Best of 2016

Hey all! I joined the Metal Injection team just a few months ago and it has been one hell of a blast. 2016 has been...

Best of 2016

Good grief, I can't wait to say bye to this stinky year. Too many deaths, too many tears shed, and too many electoral college...

Best of 2016

Including releases from Insomnium, Sumac, Khemmis, and Vektor!


Also, did Code Orange just call Killswitch Engage garbage?

The Obituarist

"I can only read about Metallica, Meshuggah, BabyMetal and Devin Townsend so much before I wonder if metal publications are even on the same...


Punky doom albums. We need more of them.


Now the cops won't make you listen to Nickelback after you're arrested... probably.

Best of 2016

In this year's final installment, let's take a look back at the very best that 2016 had to offer!

Free Publicity

The former WASP guitarist is really putting himself out there.

Bummer Alert

Things are getting worse for Mike.

Shocking Revelations

After dropping off a tour, some fans tweeted their displeasure causing Carlile to explain the chilling situation.

br00tal Comedy

Gabriel Guardian is a multi-instrumentalist based out of Texas, and he thought he would show off his skills in an incredible new video, where...


After a long (too long) hiatus, we're back with a fun episode that shifts from the tradition of interviewing metal musicians. I interviewed a...