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Search results for "Old"

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Gimme Radio Program Director, Brian Turner, delivers the top 5 jaw-dropping tracks on Gimme Radio. STRIGOI – Carved Into the Skin Grandiose and grimy, this...


Last week, it was confirmed. Motley Crue is set to reunite next year for a tour with Def Leppard, Poison and Joan Jett, playing football and baseball stadiums all...

Metal Crimes

Some of the items belonging to legendary Ozzy Osbourne guitarist Randy Rhoads and his family were recovered this weekend. The items were stolen from...

It's Just Business

Soundgarden guitarist Kim Thayil has made it known that there's a final record with vocalist Chris Cornell, and that the band can't get their hands on...

Latest News

You don't need us to tell you how awesome Satyricon is. They're one of the most epic and experimental bands in all of black...


Imagine if she was wearing a Dying Fetus shirt?

Best of 2019

What would be a good snapshot of the year in metal? Let's say that one day in the distant future, a professor stands up...

Weekly Injection

So December is slow hell when it comes to new releases, but I didn't want to deprive these of a little coverage. So enjoy...

Celebrity Metalheads

Comedian Bill Burr has long been documenting his slow descent into metal obsession on his podcast, Bill Burr's Mondaay Morning Podcast. Last year, he joked...

In The Studio

New Enslaved coming in 2020.

Latest News

"And when you go shopping with Gucci bags all the time, I don't think the anger is still there."

Extreme of the Extreme

Happy Wednesday! This one is a bit different as there will be a bit of a double feature, click HERE to check out this...


Welcome to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years past....


Looks like it's a co-headliner with Def Leppard.

Around the Interwebs

Nobody is going to try to convince you that Willie Nelson plays metal music, but his vibe, his lifestyle – very metal. Willie is...

Around the Interwebs

We have been keeping our eyes on Spotify numbers recently, but here's a stat we haven't covered yet. Apparently. Slipknot are the go-to fave...

Music Videos

"The song is about looking inside yourself to find a way to bring about the change you wish to see in your life."