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Search results for "youth"


Can't make it to the desert? Yawning Man will bring the desert to you. Legendary innovators of desert rock Yawning Man are set to...

Upcoming Releases

"Like, I wrote a song and some other riffs, 'cause I play guitar too."

Full Album Stream

"Early 80's American hardcore is one of, if not my favorite era of music. I've always wanted to pay homage to it."

Metal In The Mainstream

Is there a new feud brewing between comedian Patton Oswalt and intergalactic metal gods, GWAR? GWAR is gearing up for their big Scumdogs of...


The long-awaited fourth album from Mr. Bungle returns to the band's thrash metal roots, seeking to realize the potential of its first demo.

Five Favorite Records

Maritime masters of symphonic metal, Visions of Atlantis, have been making waves (ba dum tiss…I'll just see myself out), creating a fascinating musical and...

Bummer Alert

"If it were to happen, it would be in such a drastically different context than what a fan would be thinking of. "

Bandcamp Buried Treasure

In celebration of Indigenous People's Day in the United States


Lament feels like it’s been scratched in the upper corner of a high school desk. Touché Amoré have never really fit into any scene,...


The contributing elements that go into making noise rock an art form that’s at once gloriously transcendent, stridently isolating, sonically punishing, and slyly sarcastic...

Fuck Yes!

"To honor our friend Riley, we wanted to contribute to a cause that he was passionate about."

New Music

Industrial metal is back and better than ever.


FFO: Opeth, Dream Theater, Steven Wilson


He's especially excited about Ohms

At The Movies

Biopics are all the rage. Queen saw a huge career resurgence after their biopic. Elton John saw a boost. Ozzy is working on a...


Your everyday metalhead likes to think of him/herself as an iconoclastic rapscallion thumbing their nose at the lemming-like banality of the entertainment mainstream. Truthfully,...


2021 is already looking darker, but in a good way!

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include vampires swearing in front of children, the opposite of smooth jazz metal, a surprising number of violins,...