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BILLY RYMER Teases THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN Songs For Furnace Fest 2023, BEN WEINMAN Denies Reunion
...what is happening here?
Hi, what are you looking for?
Including evacuation and relocation costs, instrument replacement/repair, home damage, medical care, mental health services.
"Richie came along with boundless enthusiasm and all this energy, and he just sort of rubbed off on the rest of us."
Shout out to Gustav Holst.
...what is happening here?
"It would have to be an event, an anniversary for an album. That door is open."
Good luck to all who enter!
Doug Pinnick, voice of reason.
Their debut record sounds like it's going to be pretty wild—stay tuned.
Sounds like a throwback LP is in the works.
"They want the period in their life that they associate with that music to come back."
He's also not sure physical product is viable.
James Hetfield, all around good guy.
Their vocalist suffered a head injury.
"How am I not able to come out for fear of losing my career and my band, but these guys are going out there...
Lars might wanna tell Metallica.
Now we wish there was a Davis and Lombardo collaboration.
He is no longer living in a Barbie world.
"We were, like, 'Okay, this is really something fresh.' A new decade, a new generation."
"I don't wish that level of success on anybody, man."
Like playing to an empty room.
Yes, John, yes! And please call it the "Spreading the Anthrax" tour!