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Search results for "political"


Grindcore has a storied history, one which ties together otherwise disparate factions of punks and metalheads and has set the precedent for just how...


The world only needs one Dave Mustaine.

Injection Reflection

It's been a wonderful week for funny metal videos, as our top three spots show. I've watched this Meshuggah video at least 20 times...


There's nothing wrong with thrashy-riffs, breakdowns and lyrics damning the pitfalls of modern society.


There are plenty of politically charged heavy metal bands, but few of them are as ambitious as Avram. Avram is less a band than a...

Shocking Revelations

The last time we wrote about Christian metal act For Today, I discovered a blog post on frontman Mattie Montgomery's personal blog, which has...

Latest News

3 Man Band gets to sit and watch Tool play requests.

Sick Art

Car company commissions famed death metal artist to re-imagine their new car design.


Texas metalhead threatens Texas state official.


Themed heavy metal bands are nothing new: Summoning built a career on mining the works of J.R.R. Tolkien for lyrical content, Sabaton write about historic battles, and Nile spin esoteric...


Fans of early Napalm Death are going to want to listen up.

Heavy Metal Underground

In 2013, despite widespread unrest, political turmoil, civil wars, and ongoing Western meddling in sovereign affairs, the Middle East hosts a thriving metal scene....

Mustaine Mania

Dave Mustaine has had a relatively good year in terms of no bad PR. Looking back at our coverage of his lunacy, the only...

Upcoming Releases

Lamb of God are on a tear with doing cool stuff recently, their most recent endeavor being the re-release of their As the Palaces...


Self-described "Epic Doom Metal" band Funeral Circle have arrived with their self-titled debut album. In a way, their name is very telling by the...

Around the Interwebs

Earlier today, news broke of former South African president and freedom fighter Nelson Mandela passing away due to various health issues at the age...

Latest News

Like many metalheads out there, my second musical love has always been for punk and hardcore. And like many people who love punk and...


So after only a scanning a few tracks, I thought this album would produce a very "ho-hum" review. But after a much closer listen...


We've had some posts in the past about metal bands in places like war-torn South Africa, heavy metal churches of Columbia, and the overall...


When trying to talk about Winds of Plague, I'm at a loss for words, as I don't feel that strongly either way. They seem...


Halloween's coming, and you know what that means- it's time to listen to that timeless punk-rock institution, The Misfits! 


There’s only a few more days ‘til Halloween, and, for many metalheads, this is the time of year when custom horror movie marathons are...


If you're anything like me, you know that autumn is basically the best time of year. The leaves change into awesome colors, there's literally...