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Search results for "political"


Geo·dissonance: the metal movement is proliferating to all corners of the globe. In its relentless display of vitriolic truths and the ugliest questions of...

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As the old saying goes, "don't judge a book by its cover"; well definitely don't judge this excellent album by its lackluster, high school...

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Dave Mustaine did something really nice, and helpful towards all of mankind. Instead of rambling and ranting, Mustaine has put his money where his...

Mustaine Mania

Megadeth's Dave Mustaine is one of metal's most known figures. The man has a giant platform to make his voice heard, with over 5 million...

It's Just Business

In an announcement that should come as a shock to absolutely nobody, Megadeth have announced they have parted ways with Roadrunner Records and they...

Mustaine Mania

Hey, remember when Dave Mustaine said that Obama staged that Colorado theater shooting, that Obama wasn't born in this country, that he opposes gay...

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To our US readers, our election is tomorrow, so don't forget to get out there and vote, and let your voice be heard, regardless...


Rage Against The Machine loves to fuck with the media, and the "man" as much as possible. Such is the case when TMZ cameras...

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While the east coast was submerged in water, Behemoth frontman Nergal aka Adam Darski was in a Polish court defending his freedom of speech....

Heavy Metal Underground

Heavy Metal Underground is a new feature where columnist Alex Phillips will look to the unsigned bands, and pick out ones he feels deserve...

RIP a Livecast

This week's episode began with the Livecastards discussing the recent outburst by Green Day frontman Billy Joe Armstrong. Noa and Rob discussed jazz fusion...

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Sergey Troitskiy aka Spider is tired of being held down by the man in Khimki, a small town between St. Petersburg and Moscow. The...


In the interest of fairness, since we did say that Phil Labonte gay married the NRA and had an abortion, after his most recent...

Show Recap

In the searing heat of English summer approximately 15,000 people flooded a tiny patch of field to wreak chaos, drink too much beer and...

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I was so bummed that I had to miss the local System Of A Down/Deftones shows over the weekend due to other plans. Everybody...


Goes Cube a three piece rock band based out of Brooklyn, New York have just recently released an EP entitled "What Ruckus" through The...


Geo·dissonance: the metal movement is proliferating to all corners of the globe. In its relentless display of vitriolic truths and the ugliest questions of...

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That's a lot of questions about former Misfits vocalist, Michael Graves. But the dude was picked up on the border of Texas with some...


Serj Tankian is one of the most interesting musicians in the rock/metal scene. His solo career is full of experimentation with a unique sound...


With cover art that looks like Skeletor having 'Nam flashbacks, you might be inclined to assume that Fastkill – relentlessly old school, unapologetically cheesy –...

Upcoming Releases

With new releases from Serj Tankian and P.O.D. this week, I feel like I'm a 13-year-old outcast in a corner with a portable CD...


Gaza are pissed off. I mean, dangerously pissed off. They’re one of the few bands in the extreme music today that actually lives up...


Geo·dissonance: the metal movement is proliferating to all corners of the globe. In its relentless display of vitriolic truths and the ugliest questions of...