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Search results for "political"

Shocking Revelations

"Any type of propagating hate toward any race or any group of people is not my bag at all."


Ever since arising on the fringes of the black metal scene in 2010, Vattnet Viskar has done just about everything in their power to...


This album was actually self-released by Wende’s sole member, Zamiel, back in 2011. But this debut album, along with its follow up (The Third...


Being in a band isn’t easy. Being in a crazy ol’ heavy metal band is even more difficult. It’s like a marriage, but with...

Weekly Injection

Agnostic Front – The American Dream Died  Genre: Crossover Thrash/Hardcore Origin: New York, New York Label: Nuclear Blast Buy now on Amazon.com Just in time...


There are a lot of things to like about this album. As a Nasum tribute, you’d be hard-pressed to find an effort better executed...

Shocking Revelations

#MetalJacketGate is officially over :(


“The visual acts as a very simple representation of political and legal injustice,” says the album’s Art Director, Roger Gorman.

Black Metal History

We kicked this series off last year with an initial installment tracing the origins of black metal up through 1984. Picking up in 1985...


Known for their abrupt, punchy songs and incredible speed, The Kill are one of the who's who of modern grind.


Napalm Death finds themselves writing some of the most complex songs they've ever assembled while simultaneously pushing out blasts that melt even the most...

Full Album Stream

Bonus: Sylosis just posted a full album stream of their new record, Dormant Heart. A few years ago, I was lucky enough to catch Sylosis...

Upcoming Releases

Oh hello, new Behemoth!

Injection Reflection

It's been a crazy week and we'll be at NY Comic Con all weekend long at booth #2676 – so come hang out if...

Bummer Alert

It's a bad week to be a metal band in Eastern Europe.


Crossover thrash supergroup Iron Reagan strip away the sanctimoniousness of socially conscious extreme music and replace it with vaguely political anger that almost any...


Seeing as today is the Autumn equinox, we look at eight songs to get you ready for the season.


You have never heard anything like Vectorscan and there will never be anything like Vectorscan ever again. I promise you that.