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Search results for "AFTER"

Upcoming Releases

"We have a bunch of songs that Caleb wrote coming on this record."

Record Sales

Tool's Fear Inoculum is currently on pace to knock Taylor Swift's album Lover off the top of the charts after just one week. And that doesn't sit...


In maintaining many of their idiosyncrasies while also delving deeper into a focused narrative and more approachable structures, Kayo Dot has undoubtedly created a...

Latest News

Colombia and Mexico, get hyped because Slipknot is bringing the metal your way. The maggots are teaming up with Mexico's Forcefest under the banner...

At The Movies

Here's a wild rumor to make your Wednesday a bit more interesting. You may have heard that they are rebooting the Terminator franchise with...


Just to quickly catch you up, if you aren't abreast to the drama between Arch Enemy vocalist Alissa White-Gluz and her former band The...

Latest News

"I think a lot of it [was] just that age where you want it to be right."

Shocking Revelations

We are wishing all the people involved in the crash a speedy recovery. 

Shocking Revelations

Ozzy and Post Malone together?!

Injection Reflection

It's Labor Day weekend, the unofficial end of summer. Even though there are 20 days left. Try to hit the beach this weekend. Here's...

Music Videos

Municipal Waste are going to be pretty busy the rest of the year. Two years after the release of their album, Slime and Punishment, the...

Show Recap

Earlier this year, the world was invited to the legend of Norwegian black metal in a way it’s never seen, through the release of...

Dymbur is an Shillong, India-based progressive metal/djent group consisting of Julian Andrew Lyngdoh (vocals), Cornelius Kharsyntiew (guitar), Mayson Dkhar (bass), and Achugra Sangma (drums)....

Tour Dates

Finally, a proper Tool U.S. tour!


In celebration of the new album.

New Music

A catchy earworm.