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THREAT SIGNALhas dropped out their tour with BLOODJINN and YEAR OF DESOLATION. They have posted the following statemet: “Unfortunately THREAT SIGNAL will NOT be...


Dreary as hell, but in a good way – Sweden's Mortuus drags the listener on a gentle descent into the abyss.  After an initial...


METALLICA has been on tour in Europe, as they escaped their studio to take a break from recording. They have been playing a new...

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According to the official DEATHKLOK Myspace page, the beloved metal series will be returning in a big way in September. The first official Deathklok...

Ask Me...I'm Right

That stud machine of a man is me, Greg Weeks, and I'm the bassist of the Red Chord. Want to ask me about my...

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 After a performance at the Nova Rock festival in Austria, CLAWFINGER frontman Zak Tell bashes SLAYER in a recently posted press release. An excerpt follows: "Jocke...

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MTV.com reports: This week, a Polish anti-sect organization dubbed “The All-Polish Committee for Defense Against Sects” released a list of artists it claims “promote...

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That's right. Here's a one of a kind collector's item for the more dedicated A.C. fan. This is taken straight from the auction's description:...

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Long running Norwegian black metal band DARKTHRONE has posted the following update: “Finally! 18 months after the first recordings for the new album, DARKTHRONE...

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In a press release on the band's official website, RAMMSTEIN revealed that they have recently begun work on a new album. "After more than...


I know this review is about a year over due, but I felt that it was about time someone gave this band a little...

Clip of the Day

Whoever Youtube user 'weedwacker67' is, he is my new hero. He managed to sneak in a camcorder into Radio City Music Hall and tape...

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  Yes, folks that's right. "Metal" is not only that thing that mothers fear and television service announcements warn children about… it's an actual...

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Coalesce has posted the following updates about new releases, their reunion tour, and the future possibilities for the band below: “In 2005, Coalesce attempted...

Tour Dates

New Jersey's GOD FORBID wrapped up the month-long Monsters of Mayhem 2 Tour yesterday, which also featured HATEBREED, EVERGREEN TERRACE, THE ACACIA STRAIN and...

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SEPULTURA founding members and brothers Max and Igor Cavalera have confirmed that they are collaborating on new music for the first time in more...

Tour Dates

After weeks of rumors and speculation, RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE has officially confirmed its only Midwest date on August 24 the Alpine Valley Music...

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Sven De Caluwé (vocalist of the Belgian gory death metallers ABORTED) has quit his gig as the drummer of Belgian razorgrind warriors LENG TCH'E....


Professionally filmed footage of TYPE O NEGATIVE's performance at the Rock am Ring festival on Saturday, June 2 in Nürburgring, Germany has been posted...

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THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN have posted the following update: “We start official album tracking this week in the secret underground recording location in Alaska....

Tour Dates

The following message has been posted at the web site of the Jaxx venue in Springfield, VA: "NECROPHAGIST's entry into the U.S. was delayed...


South Carolina's THROUGH THE EYES OF THE DEAD has posted a new song from the band's forthcoming record on the official THROUGH THE EYES...

Clip of the Day

Here is some classic footage from 1989 with Pantera, in their infamous "Power Metal" days, and Kerry King of Slayer. Check out the Slayer...