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Ask Me...I'm Right

Hello again to all those who need advice. I've been gone for awhile but I'm back to irritate you once more with "Ask Me...

Video Premiere

I never thought I would see the day that a PELICAN video would be getting airplay on Headbangers' Ball. Not because either entity sucks,...


First off all, never did I think that I would be blogging about Madonna covering a metal band like ever. But she did! At...


AS I LAY DYING has debutted the new video of their album "An Ocean Between Us" for the track "Within Destruction". The clip was...


Aeon's Rise to Dominate (reviewed here) did just that as one of last year's best death metal records.  Perhaps that's not saying much; 2007...


It's wakey, wakey time, kids. For the naysayers who think Erik Rutan was crazy to quit Morbid Angel – look at what they've done...

Latest News

The video above features Poland's own BEHEMOTH playing a show in their home country. And if you watch the clip, at around 45 seconds...

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It's no secret there is still bad blood between the Abbots and Phil Anselmo. It seems anytime Dimebag's girlfriend, Rita Haney, is interviewed by...

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Video by Metal Injection Vocalist extraordinaire Nate Johnson has quit South Carolina death metallers THROUGH THE EYES OF THE DEAD and has joined the...

Tour Dates

Recently over the holidays, after over a year of waiting for them to return to the US, I hopped in my car and drove...

Latest News

Roadrunner has posted their year-end top 10 section at this location which features embers of DREAM THEATER, OPETH, KILLSWITCH ENGAGE, MEGADETH, SOULFLY and 3...


So much black metal wants to be taken seriously; Deathspell Omega actually deserves such scrutiny.  At first, this secretive French outfit seems pretentious.  Long...

Latest News

As the three year anniversary of Dimebag Darrell's death approaches, his long time girlfriend Rita was recently interviewed by metal riot grrrl mag, Metal...

Ask Me...I'm Right

That stud machine of a man is me, Greg Weeks, and I’m the bassist of the Red Chord. Want to ask me about my...

Latest News

Above is a clip of EVERY TIME I DIE vocalist Keith Buckley joining FALL OUT BOY for a cover of PANTERA's anthem "Walk" and...

Ask Me...I'm Right

Hey there people. I'm back and it's time for more questions and answers. Hopefully my advice will take you on a journey to a...

Latest News

So are you one of those people that love old LAMB OF GOD but are totally not digging new Lamb of God because they...

tr00 and False

It's hard to be tr00. In this new Metal Injection feature, every week, the editors of MetalSucks.net, Axl Rosenberg and Vince Neilstein, will dissect...

In the News

Well, sort of. Apparently, some wacky rock-n-roller thought it would be a great idea to gut a Stratocaster and fill it with pure Peruvian...

Latest News

Our homies at MetalSucks and HORSE THE BAND keyboardist Erik Engstrom, aka Lord Gold, have teamed up for exclusive tour blogs from the road...


One-man Hungarian black metal: how much more obscure can one get?  Paragon Records excel at unearthing hidden gems like Aetherius Obscuritas, aka Arkhorrl, who...


Most people will know Sickening Horror for drummer George Kollias, of Nile notoriety.  This is good in that his work on the Greek band's full-length...

Tour Dates

IRON MAIDEN have announced their most ambitious and extraordinary touring plans ever — and are very pleased to announce that this will include Australia...