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You may have never heard of JUD JUD but ten bucks says you have already thought of doing the same thing with your friends....

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Progressive metal's best Italian trio, the bizarre, jazz heavy, avant-garde experimentalists in EPHEL DUATH , have revealed a release date for their forthcoming followup...

Upcoming Releases

October's slew of high-profile releases continues today with new albums from some of Europe's finest and some rising metal stars. Gojira – The Way...

In the News

Impressed by Slipknot's use of three drums in their metal onslaught? Although they are by no-means "metal", Japan's long-running, highly influential institutional noise rockers...


It's no secret that we are good friends with the fine gentlemen in THE RED CHORD. We have done quite a few interviews with...


The last time we interviewed Florida's BLACK TIDE, I had just come from doing a lot of Jager shots with DAATH. Needless to say,...

Free Swag

As if the thought of Origin, Misery Index and Fuck the Facts touring was not enough, Metal Injection is sweeting the deal by giving...

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This was a very busy week here at Metal Injection. We had a ton of new video content posted, so we thought we'd take...


Headbangers Blog has posted the world premiere of IN FLAMES' new Patric Ullaeus directed video for the track "Alias". Watch it above. Sure, the...


Seeing as though WARBRINGER vocalist John Kevill pretty much shits obscure thrash bands, we thought it would be beneficial to our loyal junkies if...


METALLICA have posted yet another song online, slowly leaking their own material. First there was Cyanide and then The Day That Never Comes, now...

Shocking Revelations

Ok, we may not agree on the new Metallica single (live pro-shot video above btw) but I think we can agree to this. Metallica...

Revelations of Doom

I'm sure those of you who actually bother to read the itty-bitty tags sprinkled across these pages are wondering,"Who the fuck is Grim Kim,...

Clip of the Day

When my buddy Paul from The Apparatus linked me to VIO7's Myspace page, I couldn't help but snicker. A metal/hard rock band led by...


Forget about Obama and fuck John McCain… finally, a candidate who is a straight shooter, Vinne Apice (also of AGNOSTIC FRONT fame). If this...


Pitchfork Media tends to be frowned upon by much of the metal community as the spawning ground of many of the hipster trends that...

Video Games

It's safe to say that a sizeable percentage of the Guitar Hero audience are metal heads, and every metal head would dream of not...

METAL Injection

Metal Injection was invited to attend the world premiere screening of the new LAMB OF GOD DVD, Walk With Me In Hell and of...

King of Metal

Dave Hill is our resident KING OF METAL here at Metal Injection, and he can shred the fuck out of you without even trying....

Latest News

> You can view the premiere of the new video from AVENGED SEVENFOLD for the track "Dear God" above. The clip features footage shot...

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The ever opinionated Kerry King of SLAAAYYYYYEEEERRRR gave an interview to Total Guitar Magazine recently where he revealed that the thrash gods may be...

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Hello again to all those who need advice. I've been gone for awhile but I'm back to irritate you once more with "Ask Me...


As soon as my buddies over at The Apparatus turned me onto BLOTTED SCIENCE, I was immediately hooked. Imagine MESHUGGAH with no vocals…and sicker....