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Search results for "Thought"


So there's been bellyaching about the production on the new Watain album.  Yes, it's cleaner than on previous full-lengths Rabid Death's Curse and Casus...


When you ask today's metal heads who the titans of metal are, you're likely to hear names like LAMB OF GOD, DIMMU BORGIR, ARCH...


PIG DESTROYER have added the songs “Machete Twins” and “Thought Crime Spree,” off their recently released album "Phantom Limb", online over at their official...

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With thousands of fans trampling barricades, smashing into each other, and helping DevilDriver create one of its best performances ever, the band thought the...

Tour Dates

In acknowledgement of the 25th anniversary of the release of their seminal album "The Number of the Beast" and the tremendous international success of...


Ever since Martin Brändström joined Dark Tranquillity for 1999's Projector, the band has honed its now-signature sound – keyboard-driven, Gothenburg melodic death metal.  Changes...


What Gojira was last year, Hacride is this year – a French metallic missile that should detonate devastatingly across the Atlantic. Put away those...


The Fetus is back – faster than ever, and still fierce as hell.  Despite an endlessly revolving door of personnel, the Maryland band has been...


In some ways, this album (and this review) is a triumph against the odds. First, Equal Vision sent this CD in a plain, unpromising...

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SEEMLESS Frontman Jesse David Leach posted online a very heart felt and inspirational "challenge" to his fellow musicians today on an official SEEMLESS Myspace...

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The cover artwork for the new VITAL REMAINS album, "Icons of Evil", has been posted online at this location. Due on April 3, "Icons...


The term "metalcore" has become practically meaningless. When Killswitch Engage, Full Blown Chaos, and Converge fit into the same category, it might as well...


Impious' Holy Murder Masquerade has amazingly ingenious liner notes. They take the form of a comic book, with the lyrics as speech and thought...

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PANTHEON I guitarist, John Espen Sagstad, recently caught up with ANTENNA and talked about the future of the band: Antenna: Your new album has...

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Dave Mustaine has posted the following message on the MEGADETH Forums: "I will have an announcement to make concerning our upcoming tour dates and...

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>Philadelphia’s self-proclaimed criminal thrash band RUMPELSTILTSKIN GRINDER have restructured their lineup following the departure of vocalist Eli Shaika and announced their first show back....


Allow me to state my taxonomic understanding of the no-woman's land between metal and hardcore. When a hardcore band exhibits metallic tendencies, they're, natch,...

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>FINNTROLL will be releasing their new album on March 28th and will be titled "Ur Jordens Djup". Sometimes I wish I was fluent in...

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If you happened to watch our Anti-Christmas Special (and if you haven't go watch it now!) you would see that we spend a good...

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The end of the year always means "Top XX" lists for music nerds. While I'm as musically nerdy as one can get, I don't...

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Who is as excited as I am about this? Thought so!

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This was posted on BEHEMOTH's official myspace blog: Polish extreme metal titans BEHEMOTH have entered the studio this week (December 11th) to begin tracking...


Fear My Thoughts - Blankness Noumena - The End of the Century Arsis - United In Regret Frameless Scar - Downward Suidakra - Forth-Clyde...