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Monday Wake Up Call

What better way to begin your week than with a little MESHUGGAAAHHH. Here at the Metal Injection Studios, we still can't get over the...

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Appropriately enough for a band that’s been known to defy conventions, THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN’s new DVD sounds like it goes beyond the average...

tr00 and False

If one thing can be said about the writers of Metal Inquisition (besides the fact that they are assholes) is they are heavily opinionated....

tr00 and False

If one thing can be said about the writers of Metal Inquisition (besides the fact that they are assholes) is they are heavily opinionated....

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And you thought Cinco de Mayo was something about the Mexicans beating the French: Nay, this year May 5 brings us Wavering Radiant, ISIS'...

Go See This Fucking Band

So much about METALLICA is deeply ingrained into our consciousness that amidst all the CDs, documentaries, merch, hype, missteps, tributes, parodies, media, video games...

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Metal is so often ignored by everyone in the press that any publication willing to acknowledge that heavy music doesn't start with OZZY and...

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BEHEMOTH are in the pre-production stages of their sure-to-rule new album, and they've released a video documenting their progress. Sans corpse paint and English...

Fuck Yes!

So apparently, instead of taking the traditional route and advertising on TV, billboards, etc, Scion has decided to host music festivals instead as a...

Monday Wake Up Call

I hate being hungover on a Monday morning. Last night, Frank and I checked out Skeletonwitch and Cannabis Corpse. The show was awesome and...


2008 was a great year for ridiculously silly metal viral clips to be passed around to distract you from doing your work. We thought...

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From guitarist Doc Coyle on the band's MySpace (where you can stream the new song, "The Rain):" "All of us in God Forbid are...

State of Metal

If you believed everything you read, you could be forgiven for thinking that metal exists entirely in England, parts of California and all the...

Free Swag

Man, it's been a while since we did a Guessing Game. The last time we did it was a few weeks ago, and you...

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First off, I totally stole that headline from Metal Martyr because I really couldn't think of a better one. Now that we got that...

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Remember when we posted this awesome video last week? Here I thought, some kids have way too much time on their hands. Turns out,...

Monday Wake Up Call

Woo, three day work week!! Who else is pumped? I thought to start us off this Monday (or if you really think about it…its...

Verbal Diarrhea

The usually reclusive Tom Araya was recently interviewed by the Stormbringer Webzine and one of the questions asked was his thoughts on the new...

Upcoming Releases

GOD FOBID's new record, Earthsblood doesn't come out until February, but we got our hands on some exclusive audio samples from the record. Check...

Latest News

ANTAGONIST frontman Carlos Garcia, come on down! I never thought I would ever be blogging about the Price Is Right, but here goes. Fresh...

Clip of the Day

Yesterday we posted a new commercial featuring the Prince of Darkness, OZZY OSBOURNE acting like a bumbling idiot who nobody can understand. That is...

Attention, Stoners:

HOLY FUCKING SHIT. Ten years after their breakup, Sleep, one of the most influential and well-loved stoner/doom bands on the planet, are reuniting for...

Tour Dates

EVERY TIME I DIE are some of the funniest mother fuckers I've ever had the pleasure of interviewing (click here to watch me get...