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Ask Me...I'm Right

Greg Weeks returns with a new ASK ME…I'M RIGHT answering questions about 7 strings, life, the universe and everything

Ask Me...I'm Right

Hello again to all those who need advice. I've been gone for awhile but I'm back to irritate you once more with "Ask Me I'm Right". I'm also back to promote Traben basses who were kind enough to give me my own signature series bass . For more info go to . Enjoy. Don’t hesitate to popup your mail program of choice and send me a question to [email protected] and I’ll be sure to respond with some life-changing advice.

Hey Man,
I had to ask you…because you're right! Haha. Anyway, hi my name is Austin Beck, I've been playing metal/metalcore (damn i hate labels) for about 3 years now, not long at all, but I've been playing hard rock since I was 13. even in my early years I tried to do metal screams. Well, I've only just now got a hold of it, and I'm doing much better, I don't hurt my vocal chords, and people on YouTube seem to like my screams. But it seems, there aren't any good teachers for metal screaming…I've done my best at trying to teach screaming onYouTube, and I have gotten some awesome feedback, but I know there MUST be someone better suited to teach this. Do you have any advice?

I already bought both Zen of Screaming DVDs, and even though Melissa Cross has some great ideas for vocal warmups and helping you understand from an anatomical view…her scream has no power??? And no one in her DVDs screams like her…if you don't know which scream I'm talking about, it's that THING that sounds like Marge Simpson…I definitely respect Melissa Cross, but no one on stage uses that kind of scream unless they're doing super low growls.
But, if you do know any good metal scream teachers I'd love to know! Thank you so much for reading all this crap! lol.
-austin beck

Greg's response:
Although the youtube community are enjoying your screams I think you need to venture out into the world of rock and talk to real people about your problem. Are there any bands in your area that have screamers? If their singer isn't a douche bag, good luck with that, then sit him down and ask him how he does it. I personally don't know any "screamers" but I do know some "moaners". I don't think they can help with your situation but I'll get you there numbers anyway.

There is a bully at school, and he KEEPS eating MY lunch! What should I do?

p.s. Are 7 string guitars metal?

Greg's response:
My good friend Gunface once had a co-worker who had his lunches stolen. He put ground up glass in his sandwich. His food was never stolen again. To answer your other question, did Jimmy Page play a seven string?

Do you think this is cool – i mean apart from the crappy playing – i made it :p

Greg's response:
Thank you. I think it rules! We are also sorry for the crappy playing.

Whatsup Greg,

First off i must say that you are one kickass funny dude. Second, I'm digging the epic beard. I must say though that I think I have you beat on that. Not only do I sport a badass epic beard myself, but I also happen to have one eye. Yep…one eye. I'll show it to you when i catch your next show. Do you think this will impress other awesome band members such as yourself?

P.S. I do NOT wear an eye patch.

-Andrew from Miami, FL

Greg's response:
This is the second "one eyed" question I've received. Ummm… I'm excited about your beard and I'll be impressed only if you show up to our show dressed as a "one-eyed jack" and you play cards with me.

Hi, my name is Mark and I would first like to say I am a rather big fan of your music. I have yet to see you live but I plan to the next time you hit up Iowa! *cough cough* Cedar Falls the Reverb *cough cough*. But anyways, I have to questions for you today. 1. Me and my friends have started a sludgegrind band and are looking at practice PA's and a bass amp *obv. for our bassist* and was wonderin if u had any suggestions for us. 2. We have been playing for about 2 months and our guitarist are "kind of" understanding eachother on how to write, but each of them still wants to play something the other dosent know and dosent blend at all. What would you say could help us with these problems?

thank you kinda sir

Greg's response:
Kinda sir? I thought my doctor was the only one who knew that I was a hermie. You can find a cheap PA and Bass rig in your area I'm sure. Look through the want ads or Craig's list and steer clear of shifty music stores. The one good thing about your situation is that great bands like Television and Guns and Roses had guitar players that were doing completely different things at the same time. Try to use it to your advantage.

About to do something regrettable but need that extra push? You can get advice from Greg Weeks. Just email [email protected]

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