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According to the readers of both Total Guitar and Guitar World, Led Zeppelin's 1969 track "Whole Lotta Love" has the greatest guitar riff of...

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Gimme Metal Program Director Brian Turner delivers the week's top 5 office buzz-worthy tracks. MENTAL CRUELTY – King Ov Fire House-rattling dealthcore, spiralling insane solos,...

Music Videos

No seriously, Chris Jericho is on a rollercoaster.


Another decade, another zombie-themed EP from a shining star in the Christian metalcore camp. The Devil Wears Prada deviated from their decidedly cringy counterparts...


If there’s one thing – well, one more thing – we can dump into the lap of the Covid-19 pandemic it’s the amplification of...

Mustaine Mania

…and other tales of how Dino and Dave are buddies.

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Gimme Metal Program Director Brian Turner delivers the week's top 5 office buzz-worthy tracks. BEWITCHER – Death Returns While some may be noting Bewitcher's move...

Shocking Revelations

Rob Zombie's legendary debut solo album Hellbilly Deluxe came out 23 years ago, and today Twitter user @fart decided to blow everybody's minds with...

New Music

After all the waiting and all the mystery surrounding whether they were a band anymore, Fear Factory is finally back with a new single...


You'll be hearing the name Tetrarch, so get familiar. L.A.'s hard rock, nu-metal hybrid have risen from independent sensation to legitimate heavy prospect ahead...


Somewhere, someone writing or YouTubing (or however kid's today get their point across) a review of Cannibal Corpse’s 15th album is kicking it off...


The saying goes, everything is bigger in Texas. This adage rings especially true in the riff department, exemplified most recently by Steel Bearing Hand....

Music Videos

King of Asgard's new track "Kvikr" will have you hooked in a frenzy of hair whipping and sword swinging in the best way possible....


The term "progressive metalcore" is quite peculiar and borderline oxymoronic. Metalcore alludes to one of the most accessible metal subgenres. On the other hand,...


Join us as we scour the grounds of Korn’s dark labyrinth for some hidden treasures...


Today, Lamb of God released a three-disc deluxe version of their self-titled album which came out last year. To celebrate the occasion, the band...

Metal Science

Based on previous scientific studies, we do know that listening to metal has been proven to make people happier, and that listening to music...