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Shocking Revelations

SHOCKING: ROB ZOMBIE's "Dragula" Music Video Exposed by Twitter User @fart

rob zombie dragula

Rob Zombie's legendary debut solo album Hellbilly Deluxe came out 23 years ago, and today Twitter user @fart decided to blow everybody's minds with a very interesting story about the lead single, "Dragula."

In case you've somehow never seen the video, the hook is of course "Dig through the ditches and burn through the witches / I slam in the back of my Dragula." Here's the video:

"Dragula" refers to the car he's driving, and it's a reference to a car in the old TV show The Munsters. Except there's one problem, there was no "back" of the Dragula car in The Munsters, however there is a backseat in another car in the series, the Munsters koach. Zombie has been E X P O S E D!

I'll let @fart explain it in depth:

I feel so lied to, but glad I learned what's what. It's more than likely that Zombie was just taking artistic license.

If the above was too much to read for you, then allow our friends at Two Minutes to Late Night explain it succinctly in a video they posted two months ago:

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