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Tour Dates

Final Slayer tour dates coming this week?

At The Movies

When Danzig's horror film debut called Verotika made its world premiere earlier this month, Danzig commented to the crowd after the screening “You guys laughed...

It's Just Business

The music biz is a confusing place! We break down the key jobs for ya!

Latest News

Want to book a tour for your band? We got Nate Carson of Nanotear Booking to give us all the gory details on how...

Tour Dates

They're popping into Canada too.

Video Games

Iron Maiden want to get paid.

Tour Dates

Full Terror Assault festival is back to bring the heavy to Illinois. The mid-west open air festival will go down will take place September...

Metal Merch

Surprisingly, or perhaps not, a few of the sizes are already out of stock.


Chris Jericho returns to the Squared Circle Pit and we have a lot to catch up on. First, we reminiss about the first Chris...


Metal Injection’s head babysitter, Rob Pasbani and I both agree that Sweden’s Martyrdöd is a little-known band. His metric has something to do with...


Welcome to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years past....

Earnings & Attendance

How much money does a band make on the road? Billboard hopes to answer that question, somewhat, by providing gross sale reports in their...


It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with an interview and song premiere from Holy Grinder entitled “Play God.”

Full Album Stream

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with an interview with Makkmat and premiere of Beina Brenner.


Italy's Fleshgod Apocalypse have the market cornered on combining stirring sweeping symphonics with bone snapping death metal. Agony, Labyrinth and King are genre staples,...

At The Movies

Is the Queen movie like ten minutes in China?


A simple guide for the growing band!