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We catch up with NEW YEARS DAY to talk about their recently announced album, Unbreakable, including what they've done different, favorite moments, inspirations, album...

Around the Interwebs

What the f is up Wendy's?

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It is official! NetEnt has announced at the ICE fair in London in February 2019, that it will launch a slot in collaboration with...

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Do people not know how much beanies cost?

Bummer Alert

Danny Carey giveth, Maynard James Keenan taketh away.


You ever hear a song you know in the background of a commercial? Of course you have, that’s how our capitalist, marketing overlords get...

Live Footage

They did it awesomely, as usual.

Tour Dates

One of the albums that stuck out in our "Albums Celebrating their 20th Anniversary" retrospective was the debut Black Label Society album, Sonic Brew. It...

Fuck Yes!

It's all happening

Tour Dates

Warped is back!


If it isn't clear by now for all, the nature of the music industry is that of a dynamic entity where trends and technology...


Only slightly!

Back in the Day

Before we get started on this headbanging nod to the heavy metal scene in Seattle in the 1980s, I think it's important to disclose...

New Music

There is nothing that screams death metal more than burying a dead body, and that is exactly what Germany's Deserted Fear does in their...