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Some astute Bring Me The Horizon fans in the UK noticed a new billboard that had gone up in London that contained logos similar...

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The party tour of the fall.

Tour Dates

Obituary made my list of one of the best damn live bands you'll ever see, so you should waste no time in grabbing your...

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J-D wants to make sure people hear his solo stuff.

Live Footage

Earlier today, Behemoth premiered their long-anticipated new single, "God=Dog" and wouldn't you know it, just a few hours ago, they performed at Wacken festival...

RIP a Livecast

Mantar is a band that needs to be on your radar, and we're interviewing frontman Hanno Klänhard to talk about their upcoming release, The...


The brutal death and slam metal styles have always been a strange concept for me to wrap my mind around. There isn't really a...


The eccentric prog metal genius talks about Ocean Machine: Live at The Ancient Roman Theatre Plovdiv, the disbandment of DTP, his upcoming releases, and...

Upcoming Releases

Townsend says the album is everything from Strapping Young Lad throwbacks and super progressive bits to really mellow and melodic parts.


Not to be confused with nu-metal (although it commonly is), rap-metal has produced some great stuff courtesy of groups like Rage Against the Machine...

Around the Interwebs

Goes well with chocolate starfish.


Without Vinnie Paul's career-long contributions, the landscape of metal would sound very different today


12 different writers, 12 very different lists.

Tour Dates

It's like seeing Led Zeppelin, but without the Led Zeppelin part.


Bullet For My Valentine's sixth album Gravity, according to frontman Matt Tuck, is the most personal he's ever written. Tuck talks battling through a...

Metal Merch

At least we can literally shit on them now.