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"Anything above the collar should be stopped."

Humor of the Beast

Welcome to “Humor of the Beast,” a recurring series where we interview the funniest people about their favorite band, as well as the impact...

It's Just Business

With some states lifting coronavirus restrictions, shows have begun to take place in states like North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Wisconsin and even out...

Latest News

“I once had to wear a full head mask for eight hours while doing Slipknot press. Eight hours straight – didn’t take it off,...

It's Just Business

It might not be surprising news, but it's still shocking. Live Nation reported revenue in the second quarter of 2020 was down 98% compared...


Spotify CEO Daniel Elk raised some eyebrows after a quote surfaced last week from a recent interview with Elk said artists can't release music...


Elijah Wood is a man of eclectic musical tastes, but is he actually a grindcore fan? He's previously name dropped bands like Black Sabbath and Rage Against...

All about that Pure Rock Fury-era Clutch.

Humor of the Beast

Welcome to “Humor of the Beast,” a recurring series where we interview the funniest people about their favorite band, as well as the impact...


Another famous Richmond, Virgina native has weighed in on the Confederate statue debate. A few weeks back, a joke petition was passed around to...

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As the world slowly prepares to reopen after going into quarantine to help stop the spread of COVID-19, plans to reopen cities all show...

It's Just Business

As the music industry tries to get back on its feet, a new memo sent out by the world's largest concert promoter, Live Nation,...

New Music

Just set some time aside, because you're going to want to check all of this out.


"We always agree on each other’s musical input. That’s the beauty of it; there’s never really an argument about what direction we’re taking."

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The other 50% will make Jeff Bezos richer, that asshat.


Bassists should seriously be fearing for their jobs right about now, as Toontrack — the software maker behind Super Drummer, EZmix and other essential...

It's Just Business

All Live Nation employees furloughed at this time will get to keep their health benefits.


It's a project over three decades in the making for extreme metal legend Tom G. Warrior. Founding member and creative force behind pioneering Swiss...