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Tour Dates

Soulfly are hitting many big markets in North America.

It's Just Business

Earache Records is an indie record label founded by Digby Pearson in the late 80s. They signed a lot of very important bands and...

Upcoming Releases

"I can tell you that we will be releasing a single sometime over the winter and then we are releasing it next year, sometime...

Fuck Yes!

Australia takes AC/DC being from their country very, very seriously. In the most recent batch of Australian-based AC/DC love, the country's own government has issued 30,000...


Listening to A New Kind of Horror is like mainlining adrenaline for 33 minutes straight. It's one of metal's best bands performing at the...

Free Swag

When it comes to on-stage banter, Suffocation frontman Frank Mullen is without question in the top three of all time, if not the top...

Latest News

Watch Kirk fall down and go boom.

Live Footage

Would 1989 be Metallica at  their peak, or just slightly past their peak since Cliff was gone? It was truly Metallica killing it on...

Tour Dates

All hell is, once again about to, break lose

Live Footage

You might remember "No Leaf Clover" as the single off the band's awesome S & M live album, inarguably one of the best songs...

Live Footage

Kirk and Rob sorta nail it!


Earlier this year, King 810 was cast as a supporting act for an Emmure headlining tour. Being that the Flint-based act has a history...


Crawl is death metal for people that don’t want frilly bullshit.


If you want to be technical, Fronzak already had a tiny thunderbolt tattooed on his face and has the sides of his head tattooed,...

New Music

The band featuring ex-Machine Head guitarist Logan Mader.

Music Videos

I am really digging Turnstile's vibes, and clearly so has major label Roadrunner Records, who signed the band. Turnstile will be released their Roadrunner...