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Doomy death metal has a history and pedigree that spans from the rich and vibrant on one end to the so-boring-it-might-as-well-be-clinically-dead on the other....

Music Videos

"It was great to get together with the band after so many months apart."

New Music

Episode #2 of Drumception 2020 is here, pairing up drums by producer/mixer/engineer and Fit For an Autopsy songwriter Will Putney with Intervals mastermind/guitarist Aaron...

At The Movies

Everyone knows horror is the most metal movie genre. Demons, ghosts, dark forces, blood and gore. What’s not to like? Home invasion movies like...

Song Premiere

Nitesoil are set to release their debut EP, Abusement Park, this Friday, November 6th, but before they do, they want to give you one last...

Full Album Stream

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with Focusrights’ Ew, Music!

Bummer Alert

"Due to the ongoing COVID crisis and the uncertainty of travel, we unfortunately need to move the date of our live stream event."


Metal and the Halloween season go hand-in-hand, and few bands represent that symbiotic relationship quite like Cradle of Filth. Fitting then that the theatrically...

Music Videos

This performance also comes with a limited edition cassette.

Metal Merch

Petrucci's line include mustache wax, beard balm, and two sizes of beard oil.


Plus appearances by past and present members of the band.

New Music

"It's a meditation on distortion."

Upcoming Releases

Mastodon plan to enter their self-built recording studio with a new producer some time next month.

Back in the Day

Eddie Van Halen was told by producer Quincy Jones he could do "whatever he wanted to do," so Eddie did!


Screw the five cups of coffee. Just play The Atomic Bitchwax’s latest album, Scorpio, from front to back, and you’ll be set for the...

Shocking Revelations

"I had no idea, walking in the first day of the studio, what was gonna happen — who the personnel of the band would...

New Music

The band features Meek Is Murder & White Widow Pact members.

Full Album Stream

Emotive riffs, tons of reverb, and impeccably written songs all the way down.