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New Music

Not one to let the quarantine get in the way of his productivity, Al Jourgensen has launched a new Ministry song "Alert Level," commenting...

Live Footage

Featuring Silverstein singer Shane Told.

Music Videos

From drummer/vocalist Richard Hoak: “Sit down and shut up. Total Fucking Destruction has issued mandatory guidelines regarding mental relaxation and the ingestion of world...

New Music

That opening riff is straight up old Metallica.

New Music

"It's heartbreaking to see what's going on over there with the death toll climbing every day."


For three decades thrash legends Testament have been of the genre's best. Titans of Creation is their latest album, and continues their streak of...

Latest News

Crew members need all the help they can get right now.


Dying Fetus has posted a fun 12 minute documentary about re-recording their brutal track "One Shot, One Kill." It's a fun look behind the...

New Music

Political thrash for a very weird time.


Moon Destroys, the brain child of guitarist Juan Montoya (Killer be Killed / ex – Torche) and drummer Evan Diprima (Brother Hawk, ex –...

Cinema Fix

We love our metal here at Metal Injection… but we dig movies too! Welcome to Cinema Fix, a movie guide tailored for the metal...

Full Album Stream

The once-grindcore band continues to grow into one of metal's most unique extreme metal talents. Their newest album only proves this.

Music Videos

New album Hell Will Come For Us All is out in June.

Tour Dates

Slipknot frontman Corey Taylor's son Griffin is already making his mark on the metal world. We've seen Griffin get up on stage with his...

Music Videos

"We needed a full blown face peeler track."

Music Videos

A great mix of technical death metal and outright groove.

New Music

Phenomenal, psychedelic instru-metal for days.