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Search results for "Engine"

Upcoming Releases

The sample is only 23 seconds long, but it's enough to show us that Howard still very much has it and the music itself sounds great...

Upcoming Releases

"I'm looking it as an opportunity to experiment with a brand-new instrument."

New Music

All proceeds will be donated to brain tumor research at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.

In The Studio

Rammstein is reportedly back at La Fabrique studios.


Look, it's a Flying V and also an airplane. What more do you want?


"The world is always worse in the current climate, whenever that might be. It's never been great."

Upcoming Releases

It's been 20 years since Pantera released their swan song, Reinventing the Steel. Where the hell does the time go? Rhino Records is celebrating...


The unwavering plaintive exquisiteness of No Wilderness Deep Enough makes it an essential journey. 


Inspiration can manifest in the most interesting ways. Artistry could stem from hours spent immersed in subject matter; it could form spontaneously—as if art...


"We’re always trying to be where we want to be, not where other things around us are. . . . It’s better to keep...

New Music

With basically a whole new lineup.

Full Album Stream

Also members of Spirit Adrift, Coheed & Cambria, Chelsea Wolfe, Yob, and Old Man Gloom.

Shocking Revelations

I will never let my hate for this snare sound go.


Twice-convicted pedophile Tripp Eisen will not let the verbal smackdown by Edsel Dope of Dope go unanswered. To recap, Tripp Eisen posted a statement...


So far, in the States, there was only rock band to play a show after the quarantine began, and that was Great White last...