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In our ever-continuing efforts of global domination, we here at Metal Injection are proud to announce the launch of the official Metal Injection iPhone...

Upcoming Releases

'Tis the season to be recording new music. High on Fire are currently holed up in Godcity Studios, which is owned by Converge axman...

Breakups & Shakeups

Some sad news for stoner death metal fans everywhere. Cannabis Corpse have announced that Andy "Weedgrinder" Horn and guitarist Nick "Nikropolis" Poulos have left...

Tour Dates

I'm proud of working jaunt into a metal blog. It's the little things, people. Anyway, TOOL is hitting the road and more dates were...

Best of 2011

There are dozens of factors that go into creating a "great" record, and I try to consider them all while listening to music of...

Best of 2011

We asked Metal Injection contributor Frank Huang to reflect on his Top 5 Shows in 2011. Frank shot extensive video of all the shows...

Best of 2011

Not too long ago, I went over to Double-Down Saloon to celebrate Frank’s birthday with the rest of the crew from Metal Injection and...

Best of 2011

Fuck long-winded reviews. This isn't the place for it. This is a best-of list. Especially with the chaotic violence you'll find below, you'd probably...

Best of 2011

We asked Metal Injection Photographer Aline Miladinovich to reflect on her Top 5 Shows in 2011. You can check out some of her favorites,...


Metallica certainly saved the best for last. All last week, the band took over The Filmore in San Francisco for a series of intimate...

Injection Reflection

It's been a few weeks since we've done any reflecting, but now we're back to our regularly scheduled reflection. The first week of December...

Best of 2011

It's that time of the year, when we go through the Best of 2011. To kick things off, we've complied a list of the...


Here is an awesome clip from the genius over at Scion A/V in which they sent hip-hop producer Prince Paul, known for his work...


Rammstein just know how to think big. I'm assuming their label came to them and said, "hey, we have this greatest hits package we...


I am so incredibly excited to officially announce here on the main Metal Injection site that I have been chosen as the new nighttime...

Upcoming Releases

Talk about a meeting of power players! Michael Keene, primarily known as the guitarist behind The Faceless, recently tweeted "Just finished recording a guest...

Around the Interwebs

This is pretty much the most awesome photo in the history of the world (for today at least). I'm not exactly sure how this...


Is this the first time Korn and Agoraphobic Nosebleed were featured back to back in a headline? I think so. We are always about...


I remember the first time I ever heard Spastic Ink's debut LP Ink Complete I immediately stopped what I was doing as if I...


I want to send a huge thanks to Youtube user evaldopalestra2 who was kind enough to upload video rips of pro-shot footage from the SWU Music...

Quick Bits

Another week, another round of awesome live videos from our newest videographer, Frank Huang. Frank cannot help but attend virtually every underground show in...


For all the shit we give Metallica on this site, I feel a post like this is deserving of the band. Remember that awesome...

Injection Reflection

What a week this has been for metal. We started the week with a diva fit from Danzig and ended with confirmation of the...