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Latest News

A few weeks back, a Polish tabloid reported that Nergal was going to be a judge on the Polish version of "The Voice." We...

Tour Dates

Trap Them is one of the most visceral acts you will see in a live setting. These guys bring that sense of danger that...

Around the Interwebs

Woah, this is rather epic. The fine folks at Fine Chart Labs have created a new limited edition print that features a periodic table...

Tour Dates

Ready to grind your head off? Magrudergrind and Despise You have announced a short east coast burst of dates in September. No word on...


The weekend is here! Why not get it started right with some new tunes? Trivium released two different new tracks today, and I feel...

Latest News

This is some bittersweet news. Everybody got really excited when Chuck Billy talked about a Fall tour Testament had planned with Anthrax, Overkill and...

Tour Dates

Here's an awesome tour of great upstart bands you should be paying attention to: Warbringer, LaZarus AD, Landmine Marathon and Diamond Plate are heading...

Around the Interwebs

This is awesome. One fan took the time to buy a bald wig and a regular blonde hair wig, and combine the two forces...

RIP a Livecast

This edition of the Livecast began with stories. Sean told a story about how he took a shitty cooking class and then Rob told...


It's mid-week and there is a ton of new music out there, so get your ears ready, cause it's time to rock! Let's start...

RIP a Livecast

We may have broken a record for the amount of time we spent talking about poop with this edition of the Livecast. We started...


I've never watched the American version of "The Voice," most likely because it has very little to do with actually good music, and instead...


Call my crazy, but this video brings together 3 things I love in life; drums, film, and physics. A company called Ultraslo, who specializes...

Bummer Alert

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the T.R.A.M. album is delayed! T.R.A.M. of course features the superhuman musicians Tosin Abasi and...

Latest News

Everybody knows that Decibel Magazine is my favorite analog blog, and they constantly provide thorough metal information from the comfort of my crapper. The...

Upcoming Releases

Holy shitballs… talk about knowing how to pick a good fill-in! Testament are about to enter the studio to record the follow-up to their...


Decapitated's new album, Carnival Is Forever is one of my most anticipated releases of this year. I've been dying to hear some new music...


The weekend is almost here! And this Thursday has graced upon us some really awesome new tracks that get us super excited for this...

A View From Behind The Drumkit

A View From Behind The Drumkit is a weekly column written by Darkest Hour drummer Ryan Parrish. Follow along as he scribes down some...


Path of Totality isn't the album I was expecting from Tombs; this is a good thing.  The band enlisted John Congleton (Baroness, Explosions in...

Tour Dates

Ever since that faithful car ride a few months ago when Frank exposed me to Ghost, I have not been able to stop listening...


How can you make Dimmu Borgir more epic? Bring out the orchestra! The Norwegian Radio Orchestra specifically, the same one the band has recorded...


So this is pretty awesome. Are you one of those people who find the rhythm in every day life? Like, when you are in...