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Tour Dates

And, this tour just got 100% awesomer. A few weeks ago, Devin Townsend announced he is planning a Fall North American tour, but no...


"If I can compare it to any other band, it would have to be Opeth, but it's different from the stuff we've done before....

Upcoming Releases

You didn't think they were just going to sit back and forget about death metal did you? Cannibal Corpse have announced they are entering...


A little media trick for all you metal fans. It used to be fairly common practice for musicians to have live performances overdubbed with...

Injection Reflection

It's Labor Day weekend, today is also my birthday, which means I will most likely not remember anything from this weekend. Thank the Labor...


It's Labor Day weekend. We couldn't leave to go party without having some new jams to keep us company. Here's some new stuff we'll...


The Armageddon chord is the first novel by musician and songwriter Jeremy Wagner. In a broad sense, the book is a fun, fast-paced explosion...


Some guy on YouTube ripped the audio from Ryan Adams performing Iron Maiden's Wasted Years the night before last (August 30). This cover is...

In the News

Seriously, is there anything Bruce Dickinson can't do? He's like a super hero! He can fly, he can jump, he can sing, he can...


I don't usually get excited about tracklistings, but with Steel Panther, pretty much everything they do is awesome, including tracklistings. The band is set...

Latest News

Circle Takes The Square has always been one one of those game-changing bands (like Botch) that came, conquered, confused, and left before they were...


As Tuesday wraps up, we bring you this enlarged, super-sized, mega Audio Roundup, featuring a lot of great tunes from a wide spectrum of...

Tour Dates

You knew Chimaira was going to head back on the road to support their recently released album, The Age of Hell, and they are...

Latest News

With more and more details coming out about the upcoming GWAR-B-Q, this event just keeps looking more and more badass. Metal Blade Records, as...


The middle of the week is here and we have some awesome new jams for you to get pumped on while you wait for...

Latest News

I was pretty shocked when I tuned in to the beginning of WWE SummerSlam this past Sunday, and it kicked off with none other...

Latest News

There has been a lot of commotion the last few days about music streaming service Spotify. While the service is awesome for consumers, some...


Among the many things I enjoy and respect about Behemoth, I absolutely love how seriously they take the music video process. When most bands...

Latest News

Holy shit, this tour is awesome. Decapitated have announced the Carnival is Forever tour, in support of their recent crushing release of the same...


We just posted a slew of new killer snapshots from our awesome team of photographers. Check out new galleries featuring Clutch, Corrosion of Conformity,...

Free Swag

Seeing as though Metal Injection is sponsoring Toxic Holocaust's awesome tour that's going on right now, we decided to team up with the band...


Earlier today, we posted a HUGE gallery of Mayhem Fest that we shot at the Holmdel, NJ show last Wednesday. We have a ton...


It's almost the end of the week. Friday is upon us. Here are some tuneskys to get you through these final moments of the...