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Cynic has always been a band known for defying the confines of any particular genre. Their classic, 1993 debut Focus remains unrivaled by most...


Metal: A Headbangers Journey is one of my all-time favorite music documentaries. Sam Dunn did a phenomenal job bringing a professional eye into the...

Upcoming Releases

Seeing Obscura this weekend was one of the highlights of the Metal Suckfest. They are tighter than a schoolboy's anus. (I went there!) Also, without...


The weekend is here! Before we log off for the Suckfest, we wanted to catch up on some quick new song releases out there...


It's getting darker earlier and earlier each days. Which just means there is more of the night to party during! Right? Eh, I'd rather...

Free Swag

Congrats to MI Junkie, superbeast777 on her awesome homemade Ace Frehley costume. She is the winner of the God Damn Halloween Costume Contest, presented...

Bummer Alert

Over the weekend, I learned some pretty sad news: Jon Dicken is leaving Fair to Midland. The band announced the departure last Monday during...

Latest News

Well this is phenomenal! A few days before Cynic headlines night two of the Metal Suckfest, the band is going to be performing an...

Free Swag

As you may know, The Acacia Strain is heading out on tour with Terror, Stray From The Path and Harms Way (dates here), and...


The fine people in the Roadrunner new media department unearthed some awesome label footage from about 20 years ago. Watching these two clips makes...

RIP a Livecast

Reminder: The Livecast has moved from Wednesday nights to Sunday nights from 7pm-9pm Eastern. Check back this Sunday for an all new episode. On our...


Jeez, it's only Tuesday? It feels like Thursday, which is terrible, because it's not Thursday, and there are still two more days until it...


The weekend is almost upon us, but before we get to it, let's enjoy some new tunes, shall we? Here is a really really...


Losing a treasured band member in some tragic circumstance or another is becoming just all too frequent. Just ask British new-wave thrashers Evile, who...


In the heart of every music fan there is a shrine of sound, a cache of albums that comprise our sonic comfort zone. Most...

Latest News

By now, I'm sure you've seen the Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie, but if you haven't, the best part, for this metalhead, was the...


I was so pumped to finally get to experience Argonauts live, a band who I've hyped up to ridiculous levels for myself, which of...

Injection Reflection

I'm pretty excited for this weekend because we are going to get to see Argonauts, the new band with Dave Witte and Dmitiri formerly...


The weekend is upon us. Here are some awesome new tunes to help you get the party started! Lacuna Coil is coming back around...

Fuck Yes!

Wow, it's crazy to think how time flies. On this day, 25 years ago, Slayer's seminal album, Reign In Blood came out and assfucked...


We cannot be any more pumped to bring you this exclusive stream AND free download of the title track from death metal masters, Immolation....

Tour Dates

This is pretty awesome. Right before opening on As I Lay Dying's upcoming tour, Sylosis want more facetime in the US, so they have...


It's Tuesday, and Apple is set to announce a new iPhone today, in about an hour. I am far too excited about this. Here...