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Bummer Alert

They're still friends, but Dee has moved on

New Music

It has a really great and almost laid-back feeling to it.

Back in the Day

Bringing the issue of police brutality to mainstream media in the wake of the 1992 LA riots, Body Countā€™s Cop Killer was a provocative...

Scene Report

We have all seen those articles highlighting bands in every US state. China is also a country with many metal bands, and many provinces....

Upcoming Releases

Yes, the December 2020 livestream is now an album.

Tour Dates

Foo Fighters will be reopening Madison Square Garden next week with its first full capacity show in over a year. The reason they feel...

Tech-Death Tuesday

Hey there, tech fiends. It's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual weekly reminder that if...

Full Album Stream

ForĀ Seputus, and its main creative force, Stephen Schwegler, the heavy metal he's listened to for decades are simply components—relays and switches that provide a...


Do you not love heavy metal?!?! Do you not love environmental conservation and the protection of the natural animal world?! If you can relate...


In the 90ā€™s, metal broke out of the underground. That decade laid the groundwork for metal in the popular consciousness. 80's thrash mainstays got...

Shocking Revelations

Iced Earth's Jon Schaffer got more publicity than he could ever ask for today, with the news of his guilty plea in connection to...

Metal Crimes

Schaffer is believed to be cooperating with the government on their overall case.


Somewhere, someone writing or YouTubing (or however kid's today get their point across) a review of Cannibal Corpseā€™s 15th album is kicking it off...


Saxon are a band that require no introduction. They are OGs of the New Wave of British Heavy Metal, and have been melting faces...


The term "progressive metalcore" is quite peculiar and borderline oxymoronic. Metalcore alludes to one of the most accessible metal subgenres. On the other hand,...