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Shocking Revelations

Promoters Deny Report That Claims Hardcore Show Granted Permit from NYC After Billing Itself A 9/11 Memorial Political Rally

The promoters of the show have pushed back on the report.


The folks behind the controversial New York City hardcore show this past Saturday, April 24th at Tompkins Square Park are getting a bit more attention for their hardcore matinee than they hoped for. Yesterday, Gothamist reported that the  New York City Parks Department is investigating the event, and today we have more information on how the permit was granted.

Local news outlet WPIX-11 ran a report saying the permit holder misrepresented the event on the permit application. PIX-11 reports that they obtained a copy of the permit, listing the event as a "September 11th memorial" and the description said a "political rally with music and speakers." The Parks Department was told the rally expects about 100 people.

Black 'N' Blue Productions released a statement, denying anything to do with a 9/11 memorial, stating “I’m sure most people know the media lies almost all the time. But just for shits and giggles the permit says nothing about 911 Memorial on it!! I have the permit in my hand. Fucking asshats . Had look at it again to make sure but there’s nothing on it that says 911 Memorial . Get pix 11 to post it since people suck the dick of the media these days obviously. Permit that we received says nothing of any sort. Cmon you fools … you took that and Swallowed it pretty quick. Sadly not surprised. We see you”

Speaking to EV Grieve, the promoters elaborated "Nowhere did it say anything about September 11. We did apply for a September 11 memorial event, but it was for September," Flash said. "Why would we apply for a September 11 memorial in April?" EV Grieve say they have seen the permit and it makes no mention of September 11th.

Update: A new report from Gothamist doubles down on the Sept. 11th memorial permit, and posts a screenshot as proof. Additionally, the Parks Department noted the permit did not allow for a stage to be built.

The promoter continued "We were given a 3-page list of things the Parks Department wanted us to comply with — we complied with all of the stipulations," Flash said. "We were required to provide gloves, masks, sanitizer and a clipboard if someone wanted to voluntarily provide contact tracing. We provided two tables with all the necessary supplies. We cannot enforce rules, we can't — we're not the police. Even the police said they can't enforce."

Update: The promoters have posted the permit in question.

It should be noted that this is a photo of the permit, and the PIX story notes that the promoters lied on the application. The PIX report notes that all further permits, including for the planned May 8th show have been revoked.

The event, which was attended by between 2,000 and 3,000 people featured performances from Madball, Murphy's Law, Bloodclot and The Captures. The current law for outdoor gatherings limits the amount of people that can be in one location to 500. Social distancing and masks are required.

"This matter is actively being investigated as the permit application filed and agreement appear to have been violated—future permits are in jeopardy." a Parks department spokesperson told Gothamist yesterday.

On social media over the weekend, Bloodclot frontman John Joseph pushed back at criticism that the show did not follow guidelines. He compared the lack of social distancing to various protests and other public gatherings saying "For the last year in New York City there were protests – tens and thousands of people in the streets – some rioting and looting engaging in bias attacks – nobody said shit – the media condoned it. On 4/20, thousands filled Washington Square Park sharing blunts and weed pipes no masks – again nobody said shit. This was our fucking protest – this was our rally – people came out from all over the country and enjoyed live music! Those who didn’t want to come stayed away – good nobody Missed their ass. They were free to live in fear – hide under their table and talk shit on social media.”

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