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Music Videos

As epic as they've ever been.


Tribunal isn't exactly surprising by doom metal standards, but their debut album is doom with a capital “D.”

Graves Of The 80s

A retrospective series on metal's formative decade.

Upcoming Releases

Plus why the pandemic wasn't that bad for them.


"Ploughshare's new album raises some interesting questions for fans of black and death metal."

Metal Merch

The skulls of your enemies not included.


A delve into the history of Germany's finest pyromaniacs.


"There is no official vinyl pressing for any Limp Bizkit album at this moment."


Yes, including one with Charlie Dominici.

New Music

It's got a very certain Tool-meets-Opeth vibe.

New Music

Harakiri For The Sky will release completely re-recorded versions of their 2012 self-titled album and 2014 album Aokigahara on December 9. The new versions...


"An analogy would be if death metal was the History Channel and Ripped To Shreds was the new indie documentary streaming service that's come...