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Search results for "thor"

New Music

As part of our monthly underground round up, I'm here to bring you all the best from smaller bands we featured on the site...

Music Videos

Vitriol will release their debut full-length album To Bathe From The Throat Of Cowardice on September 6 and it is shaping up to be...


Psycho Las Vegas 2019 can be summarized in two words: Holy Shit. This annual party in the Mojave Desert has grown from a simple...

New Music

It's a mathy, old-school-metalcore, maybe-a-little-MySpace-core track.

Tour Dates

Morbid Angel are bringing their brand of iconic death metal to a town near you this autumn. They will be heading out with Watain...

Metal Crimes

A man accused of sexually assaulting a woman during a August 16th Korn concert in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio has turned himself in, according to...

br00tal Comedy

The corpse-painted correspdadnt The Necrosexual interviews Trevor Strnad of The Black Dahlia Murder and Dave Davidson of Revocation to talk about vocal approach, death...

Celebrity Metalheads

Billionaires, they're just like us – connecting with their daughters as they blast metalcore. That's what happened this weekend, as Dallas Mavericks owner Mark...

Latest News

The death is not being treated as one dealing with foul play.


This is like choking on cobwebs.

Metal Crimes

Founding Weedeater drummer Keith Kirkum, whose real name is apparently Michael Joseph Kirkum, was arrested in North Carolina for allegedly spiking his soon-to-be ex-wife's...

Record Sales

Can Slipknot save rock?

Latest News

New Immolation is always a good thing.

Music Videos

Of Mice & Men have so far released new singles "Mushroom Cloud" and "How To Survive", but never said anything about a new album....


It was the absolutely mesmerizing, unpredictable musical tendencies weaved through the sporadic and gripping vocal melodies on their "Queen Wolf" single back in late...