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Full Album Stream

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with a full album stream of The Sound That Ends Creation’s latest, Music To...


Brootal death metal made to alienate your Jesus-lovin' neighbor. Now with gravity beats!

Music Videos

Poppy, rocking her best Jushin Thunder Liger cosplay is back with a killer new music video for the track "Bloodmoney." The video is very...

Latest News

A portion of the proceeds will benefit Metallica's All Within My Hands Foundation.


The Red Chord released swan song Fed Through the Teeth Machine a decade ago, though its status as such was as much a surprise...


This isn't empty 80s nostalgia. Savage Master is the real deal for listeners looking for high-quality classic heavy metal (with a touch of thrash).

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include riffs, blast beats, (probably) lots of drugs, and more! To the metals...


Basically exactly what you think is on here, is on here.

Latest News

With the news that Dez Fafara's wife, Anahstasia Farfara, has contracted cancer, it puts a wrench in any future plans Dez and his family...

Music Videos

Exmortus is celebrating the coming of Halloween with a new EP called Legions Of The Undead due out October 25, and we're streaming the...

New Music

Hvile I Kaos is an orchestral project helmed by California-based multi-instrumentalist and composer Chris "Kakophonix" Brown, who has provided session work for several black...


He's denying it, maybe?

Marketing Genius

Only available for one day.


Welcome to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years past....

Music Videos

Exmortus is celebrating the coming of Halloween with a new EP called Legions Of The Undead. The band is now streaming their cover of...

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with Takafumi Matsubara’s Strange, Beautiful and Fast.

New Music

Cattle Decapitation's Death Atlas is poised to be one of the best releases of the year. Today, the band released another pulverizing new single, "Bring...