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Tour Dates

Caligula's Horse's first-ever North American tour.

Live Footage

The Acacia Strain recently played a show at The Phantasy in Lakewood, OH and YouTuber Leo Sypniewski was there to capture the whole thing....

Best of 2019

Wow, 2019 was an incredible year for metal and related genres.  Although I appreciate many styles of metal, most (but not all) of my...

New Music

This is genuinely beautiful.

Best of 2019

This was the best year for metal music since I started writing for this site back in 2013. This year was probably one of...

Tour Dates

Aversions Crown, Une Misère, and Extinction A.D. too.

RIP a Livecast

We kick things off talking about annoying holiday commercials. We discuss Christmas music this episode, and why Hanukkah lands on a different day every...

Tour Dates

Today, The Acacia Strain confirmed they will be hitting the road in early 2020 and they are bringing a killer lineup with them. The...

Best of 2019

Featuring Tool, Full of Hell, Moon Tooth, Abigail Williams & more!

Best of 2019

Hoorah, one more year down the drain and fifty flippin' music releases have been chosen by yours truly! Despite listening to and whittling down...

Best of 2019

HELL-O to all my fellow Necrosexuals of the world. The GRIM1  has returned, as another year has cum and gone. Time sure flies when...

Best of 2019

2019 was all about broadening my horizons while reaffirming my love for long standing favorites.

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Gimme Radio Program Director, Brian Turner, delivers the top 5 jaw-dropping tracks on Gimme Radio. STRIGOI – Carved Into the Skin Grandiose and grimy, this...

It's Just Business

Soundgarden guitarist Kim Thayil has made it known that there's a final record with vocalist Chris Cornell, and that the band can't get their hands on...

Live Footage

Meshuggah didn't collapse the place, shockingly.


Welcome to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years past....

Best of 2019

Everything from death metal and funeral doom to alternative rock and djent.

New Music

"We had an extremely successful, yet tumultuous couple of years as a band."

Metal Merch

This year, it seems like the holiday season totally snuck up on us. Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanza shopping for metal heads may not be...