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Search results for "Horizon"

The FiX

Videos from Bring Me The Horizon, Lost Society, Motley Crue, Skid Row, Bullet for My Valentine

Bummer Alert

Fan died after stagediving and not being caught.

Bandcamp Buried Treasure

There's something in here for everyone today and I mean that!

Bandcamp Buried Treasure

I'd call it industrial metal, but it's a lot more intricate than that.

Latest News

Who won the big awards?

Earnings & Attendance

Black Sabbath bring in some serious money on the road.

Weekly Injection

While this week's edition of is super diverse, there seems to be stoner rock/metal lean to the albums dropping. Coincidence that it's 4/20 weekend...

Bandcamp Buried Treasure

Take everything you ever thought was heavy and throw that garbage where it belongs.

Bandcamp Buried Treasure

Are you ready to feel absolutely nothing ever again?


Wow, what a day for tour announcements! Between the Meshuggah/BTBAM tour and Mayhem Fest today was already huge. But now, we have word of...

Bandcamp Buried Treasure

Ready to fall in love with two bands today? Can your heart handle that?

Upcoming Releases

To celebrate the band's 30th anniversary, Mayhem is polluting the musical landscape with a fifth album's worth of unrelenting grimness called Esoteric Warfare.

Bandcamp Buried Treasure

Get in here. You're done surfing the Internet today until you've listened to this underrated masterpiece.

Upcoming Releases

The Brooklyn fusion experts are ready to blow minds once again!

Injection Reflection

Not much in the way of breaking news this week, but we do have a rumored summer festival lineup, and some cool new songs...

Bandcamp Buried Treasure

Another winner in my book for modern black metal!

Bandcamp Buried Treasure

Phrases like "meditative heaviness" and "a calm decimation" come to mind.


No, not the Korn album Issues, the band Issues.

Latest News

Joan Jett & The Blackhearts, A Day To Remember, The Pretty Reckless and Zakk Wylde also scheduled to perform.

Latest News

Can you believe Leviathan turns 10 this year?