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Search results for "Horizon"


One of the best things about being a fan of heavy music is the massive range of styles available to listeners. Sure, there are...


Back Door to Asylum are a technical, brutal death metal unit out of Moscow, Russia, a country that I haven’t heard a whole lot...


He apparently worked on all the songs for the new album, including the new single "Implode"


Polyphia stands head and shoulders above their contemporaries in what I can only describe as instrumental progressive rock that sounds like Michael Jackson and...

Upcoming Releases

Finally we have some answers!

Tour Dates

The Contortionist are going to be busy this fall. Besides hitting the road with Periphery, the band have announced a string of headlining dates...

Tour Dates

Periphery have been in the studios, and based on these studio reports, things are going swimingly. But, the band want to take a break...

Bandcamp Buried Treasure

Rising from their grave, Brains are back to do up 70's rock worship better than most bands trying right now.


I'm into anything Kurt Ballou touches. As part of a video series by pickup company, Stompbox Sonic, called Sonic Explorations, Kurt wrote a new song....

Bandcamp Buried Treasure

If you're looking for something heavy to listen to on all fronts, look no further.

Tour Dates

Basically the next year from July will be good for all of Battlecross' fans!


Emerging out of the rough-edged husk of lineup changes and label unrest - including a six year gap (2003-2009) between releases - is a...

Bandcamp Buried Treasure

For a debut album, this sounds amazing and is played by a bunch of who I assume are professionals. Right on!

Hell No!

Guitarist Sammy Duet clears the air on what's going on with the band.

Bandcamp Buried Treasure

If you're a fan of Devin Townsend going nuts over some ridiculously complex stuff, then this is for you.

Fuck Yes!

She is much tougher than I am.

Bandcamp Buried Treasure

Instrumental music is difficult, but when it's done right... damn. Watch out world.

Earnings & Attendance

Also earnings for Queens of the Stone Age, Killswitch Engage, Ghost and more


Yeah, classic rock death metal. You know you're curious to know what's up with that.

Weekly Injection

This week's WEEKLY INJECTION is a little light but has some heavy hitters including awesome doom, epicness, Hevy Devy with a bit of twang,...