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Search results for "Horizon"

Upcoming Releases

It's a bunch of tracks you've never heard, so it's still new!

Tour Dates

Holy tour schedule! This one goes from May to July!


It's good to step out of your comfort zones once in awhile, if not often. If nothing else for the sole sake of opening...

Latest News

The Contortionist announce a new tour with prog groups Chron and Auras.

Fuck Yes!

Which means a new album is on the horizon!


Kollwitz hail from the Norwegian port town of Bodø and if extreme conditions demand extreme responses, as a quartet of great men once said,...

Weekly Injection

Tomorrow in Manatee Appreciation Day! Today is exciting because of new releases from prog sadsacks, a bunch of quirky metal, brutal shenanigans and more,...

Latest News

You're stoked. Unless you're the type that gets mad about Deafheaven.

Weekly Injection

Kind of a slower week for y'all. A few solid droppings from your record label overlords though. These include weird avant Norway fellas, live...


Could the Black Dahlia Murder be making their Summer Slaughter return?

Video Games

All your old instruments and DLCs will work with the new game!

Earnings & Attendance

Foo Fighters make a lot of money.

Black Metal History

It's easy to see why Immortal were one of the first black metal bands to achieve tangible mainstream success. They didn't really sing about...

Live Footage

Nobody else is allowed to play drums ever again. This was the apex.

Weekly Injection

As You're reading this, I am still recovering from Pizza Day. "Is that a thing," you ask stupidly? Yes. It is according to my...

Upcoming Releases

New BTBAM is on the horizon!

Best of 2014

Picking these releases has been difficult. There's been a lot of good stuff that came out in 2014, perhaps even more so than last...

Music Videos

Look at how much money they make!

Latest News

Wino spent three days in solitary confinement in a Norwegian jail being fed only bread and water.

Weekly Injection

With this week in the books, I can start prepping my end of the year list. There will be a few other ear catching...


Peter Shallmin is the bassist and creative driving force behind ESCAPETHECULT, the new supergroup featuring members of Primus, Mercyful Fate, Uneven Structure and Kamlath....

Upcoming Releases

The band posted a photo that got me really excited. It's almost here!