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SEEMLESS Frontman Jesse David Leach posted online a very heart felt and inspirational "challenge" to his fellow musicians today on an official SEEMLESS Myspace...

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Polish extreme metal titans BEHEMOTH are currently wrapping up the tenuous recording process for "The Apostasy", their most ambitious and epic offering yet. The...


Metal bands often talk of war, but few actually sound like it. Amon Amarth and Bolt Thrower have built careers around war themes, yet...

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NECROPHAGIST, MISERY INDEX and ORIGIN have teamed up for an extensive European tour dubbed the "Carving Europe's Epitaph Tour II". The tour begins this...

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HORSE THE BAND frontman Nate has issued the following update on the band's MySpace page in regards to the band's future plans: im not...

Ask Me...I'm Right

[swf width="500" height="93"]https://metalinjection.net/blogs/greg.swf[/swf] Greg Weeks is not only the basisst of one of the coolest, heaviest bands on the scene right now, THE RED...

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First off, on behalf of everybody here at METAL Injection I want to wish everybody reading a Happy New Year. Thank you for making...

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>DESPISED ICON need a new guitarist, here is what the band have to say about that and more: Hey everyone, some great and bad...


When Manowar do things, they do them big. Their album covers are filled with big men with big muscles holding big swords. Their tunes...

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Alright, well, its been a few days since I have spouted off my mouth and given some news. I find that a lot of...

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So, as I was taking a massive poop, I was reading the newest issue of Revolver magazine and stumbled across a monthly featured article...


If Sweden's Wolf had its way, Bruce Dickinson would never have joined Iron Maiden and Rob Halford would never have left Judas Priest. Over...

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Apparently, the Orlando Sentinel had a contest trying to define something we've all known for 15 years. Why Metallica sucks By Jason Ferguson The...

Spout Off

What's goings on junkies? If you can't tell, we have a new formatt going on here at METAL Injection. I posted a little about...

Ask Me...I'm Right

okay i know you probably get this alot, but Aiden is my FAVORITE band in the world…..its like….u know when you get that anxious/happy/ecstatic...

Ask Me...I'm Right

I have a dilemma that might sound kind of strange to you but I just don't know where else to turn. I play in...


German metalcore gurus, Caliban, return with their lastest effort entitled "The Undying Darkness", an impressive effort at that. Seasoned in metalcore, this band actually...