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Well, there's a major stamp of approval.


Featuring Mr. Bungle, Ghost, Devin Townsend, Deicide, and more!

Tour Dates

Life Of Agony will be playing River Runs Red.

Tour Dates

Death metal, coming for you in 2023.

Upcoming Releases

"I am a fortunate woman who got to make an album I never knew I could make."

Metal Merch

Get the "Burn In Hell"-look with this new set of cosmetic products.

Tour Dates

There's going to be a whole bunch of chances to see Cold this spring.

Weekly Injection

The rest of the year also includes releases from Lionheart, Woods of Desolation, Vented, The Wring, The Alpha Incident, Liv Moon, Trivum, Heaven Shall...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Årabrot, Blame Kandinsky, Checkp01nt, Obvurt, and White Lung.

Tour Dates

With Half Heard Voices, Skinflint, and Drift opening on select dates.

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Black Lava, Circles, Euphrosyne, High Command, Melted Bodies, Thy Catafalque, and Protest the Hero's Rody Walker.

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from -(16)-, Astrosaur, The Smashing Pumpkins, Tallah, and Wolves At The Gate.