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Search results for "quest"


The Fetus is back – faster than ever, and still fierce as hell.  Despite an endlessly revolving door of personnel, the Maryland band has been...

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James Inhofe, the senior Senator from Oklahoma, is a backwards, ultra-religious anti-science dummy who has made a speech in public, complete with photo presentation,...


I recently spoke with vocalist John Strachan, who is in one of the hottest and unique bands in the underground today, THE FUNERAL PYRE....


It's interesting how hardcore punk is reaching outside itself for inspiration these days. More specifically, it's reaching back in time. There's the whole punk...


At the moment, the main selling point for Laethora is that its lineup includes guitarist Niklas Sundin of Dark Tranquillity. A skilled graphic designer...

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The cover artwork for the new VITAL REMAINS album, "Icons of Evil", has been posted online at this location. Due on April 3, "Icons...


The term "metalcore" has become practically meaningless. When Killswitch Engage, Full Blown Chaos, and Converge fit into the same category, it might as well...


Metallic hardcore – no more and no less. But before you click away, think about why you might object to those two words. Simplistic...

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>FINNTROLL will be releasing their new album on March 28th and will be titled "Ur Jordens Djup". Sometimes I wish I was fluent in...

Ask Me...I'm Right

[swf width="500" height="93"]https://metalinjection.net/blogs/greg.swf[/swf] Greg Weeks is not only the basisst of one of the coolest, heaviest bands on the scene right now, THE RED...

Behind the Scenes

Just to get the wheels rolling on my blogosphere existence, I figured I'd answer one of the most common questions I get asked by...

Ask Me...I'm Right

Dear Greg,My name is Briton and im a Student at NAU University in Flagstaff AZ. I recently took a second job as co-host at...

Ask Me...I'm Right

okay i know you probably get this alot, but Aiden is my FAVORITE band in the world…..its like….u know when you get that anxious/happy/ecstatic...

Ask Me...I'm Right

I have a sweet ass mustache but my lady friend wants me to shave it. I dont know what to do. Break up with...

Ask Me...I'm Right

I was reading in your forum about this kid that bought a shirt that contained the hidden message "Don't tell Dad I'm gay" and I...

Ask Me...I'm Right

This might sound like a stupid fucking question, but it's causing me an ass load of grief. For the past 6 months I've been...

Ask Me...I'm Right

 Dear Greg: I got one dumbass question, afgter listening to some Eminem song and hearing him say "I'd rather fuck a whore with a...

Ask Me...I'm Right

Dear Greg, My boyfriend is a guitarist in a Mass-based band.  He's been playing with this band for about a year now, and during...

Ask Me...I'm Right

If you found out that all the greatest metal bassists in the world were girls which one of them would you have sex with...

Ask Me...I'm Right

Dear Greg Hey my names Raman (rum-in) and my question is about the little message at the back of the Clients booklet. What inspired...

Ask Me...I'm Right

Hey Greg from The Red, how are things? I guess first let me start off by extremely regreting not catching you guys at ozzfest....

Ask Me...I'm Right

Dear Greg, >Yo man. I've got some problems with the band that I'm currently in. Yes >problemS plural. For one, our guitarist SUCKS ASS!...

Ask Me...I'm Right

To submit your questions to Greg, e-mail [email protected] Daniel writes: Hello Greg….greetings from Denmark (the capital of Sweden). I recently formed a new metalband...