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Search results for "tool"

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Maybe we'll get some Death Grips on the new Tool album too.

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Progress from the progressive masters.

Injection Reflection

We've already made it to Daylight Savings Time! That means one extra hour of sunlight and spring is just around the corner. That has...

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It's a friend from the past.

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It's happening! Like, for real this time.

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Is Maynard just trolling? Or sick of being bothered?

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The chances of hearing new Tool music in 2018 seem better and better.

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The lyrics for the new Tool album are almost done, according to frontman Maynard James Keenan.

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The songs have a bit of a Primus vibe to me initially, while eventually trailing off into its own sound.

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So says director Dominic Hailstone.


We're... not sure. He worded this one pretty weird.

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Looks it's actually finally time for the new Tool album.

New Music

It's about Danny Carey killing people in the ocean. Seriously.

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All I'm saying is we've waited this long, we can wait another year!